Chapter Six

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Have I mentioned how much I love the BroTP of Jessie and Thor? I have? Well, I still do.

And now mother dearest gets to embarrass them. XD Enjoy!

Trigger warning for some crude language.


Loki curled his lip as he watched Volstagg and Fandral parade prisoners past his cell. "Odin continues to bring me new friends. How thoughtful."

"The books I sent, do they not interest you?"

Loki turned to see Frigga inside his cell, watching him. "Is that how I'm to wile away eternity?" he raised an eyebrow. "Reading?"

"I've done everything in my power to make you comfortable, Loki."

"Have you?" Loki chuckled. "Does Odin share your concern? Does Thor? It must be so inconvenient them asking after me day and night."

"You know full well that your actions have brought you here."

"My actions?" Loki repeated before scoffing. "I was merely giving truth to the lie that I've been fed my entire life, that I was born to be a king."

"A king?" Frigga shook her head. "A true king admits his faults. What of the lives you took on Earth?"

"A mere handful compared to the numbers Odin has taken himself," Loki snorted.

"Your father - "

"He's not my father!" Loki yelled.

Frigga steeled herself. "Then am I not your mother?"

Loki paused, then exhaled. "You're not."

Frigga smiled sadly at him, tears in her eyes. "Always so perceptive about everyone but yourself."

She reached out to him, which Loki reciprocated, only for his hands to go through hers. He paused, swallowing, watching her vanish, then paused, feeling another set of eyes on him. He smirked and turned. "Well, well, well. I would remember that presence anywhere."

"I expected you would," Jessie said as she walked timidly into the light, clad in violet fabrics, bronze armor pieces fastening it to her body, her dark hair curling around her shoulders. She looked like a born Asgardian. "Loki."

"Jessie Nightshade," Loki gave a mock bow. "As beautiful as I remember."


The group barely had time to secure Rick's remains when an alarm went off in the Tower. "JARVIS?" Tony shouted, the Iron Man armor forming back on him.

"Sir, Loki has been spotted at the Ericksburg High football field," JARVIS reported worriedly. "He is not in battle armor, however, and does not appear to be attacking."

"That's not like him," Steve frowned.

"Why Ericksburg?" Saleen wondered.

"He's looking for me," Jessie assumed, taking a deep breath. "Guess that includes me in this mission."

"No," Natasha said shortly. "This could be a trap, and you'd be walking right into it."

"Or I go with Earth's Mightiest Heroes and have the best backup I could have," Jessie retorted. "Besides, if Loki's coming after me, it's about time I met him face to face."

Steve sighed. "She has a point, Romanoff."

Natasha growled. "Fine. But remember I warned against this."

"Noted," Steve nodded shortly. "Let's go."


Loki was standing on the center of the field, wearing robes of black and green, watching them approach with a slight smile on his face. "Jessie Nightshade," he greeted smoothly, giving a small bow. "A pleasure to meet you at last."

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