Chapter Five

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Man . . . it has been a long few months. Finals, Christmas, the New Year, schedule changes, college auditions . . .

I do apologize for not updating sooner, but it's been so busy for me recently, and I can't focus long enough to write out a DW episode right now, so it's sticking to the Marvel movies for me right now, which I hope no one objects to while I get myself back in gear.

Anyway, enjoy!

Trigger warning for mentions of rape, sexual assault, and a violent action sequence at the end.


Malekith bent down to the ground in Svartalfheim, picking up a handful of dust. "Look at my legacy, Algrim," he told his second in command. "I barely remember the time before light."

"Our survival will be your legacy," Algrim answered, laying a hand on Malekith's shoulder.

"The Asgardians will suffer as we have suffered," he declared. "I will restore our world and I'll put an end to this poisonous world."


"OK, explain again why your father thought Loki only needed two guards on Asgard?" Clint pinched the bridge of his nose.

"He underestimated him," Thor said simply.

"You underestimated the god that tried to destroy and conquer New York and killed Phil?" Tony deadpanned.

"I am not my father," Thor shook his head.

"So Loki's returning with an army of Chitauri and these Frost Giants," Jessie held up her hands to interrupt any more incoming arguments. "I think that's a bit more important than the past."

"Just a bit, yeah," Natasha backed her up.

"I'll debrief Fury," Steve volunteered before anyone else could offer. "He needs to know."

"And what about our two newest members?" Clint asked.

"I'll tell him that, too."

"So," Tony looked around as the elevator doors closed on Steve. "Does anyone else have anything important to share with the class?"

Jessie raised a hand, then swiped it through the table. Everyone stared as her hand came away unharmed, the table looking fine, too. "I can phase through any object," she answered. "Or, I haven't found one I can't phase through yet."

"Yeah," Clint stared. "Good to know."

"Are we going to tell them about - ?" Saleen began.

"No," Jessie said sharply.

"Tell us about what?" Bruce frowned.

Jessie gave Saleen a nasty look. "Thank you very much."

"Vertigo, the news was very particular about who they interviewed about why you ran away from Ericksburg," Saleen returned the look. "They interviewed Johnson and Gaffney."

The blood drained from Jessie's face, and she felt two strong hands on her shoulders. She would have flinched from them had she not felt how gentle they were settled. "Who are these two?" Thor rumbled, narrowing his eyes. "And why do you fear them so?"

Saleen gave Jessie a look, who silently shook her head. "They did something to Jessie that she never agreed to," was all Saleen offered to say. "At an age too young, too."

Natasha's eyes widened for a second, then narrowed. "They didn't."

Jessie ducked her head, tears stinging her eyes. "They did."

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