Chapter Eight

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It occurred to me when I found the gif . . . it is really weird writing Steve without Martha, even if it's a flashback. Seriously, I'm trying to remember a time after his introduction in "The Sontaran Stratagem" where we don't see him with Martha, and I can't.

 . . . huh. Startha for life, I guess. *grins sheepishly*

Anyway, may the plotting begin! Enjoy, everyone!

Trigger warning for mentions of rape.


Jessie sat in her room, absently tracing the design on her bedspread when she saw a faint flicker of something on her fingers. Frowning, she brought them to her face . . . only to jump back when she saw a spark of electricity flicker between her fingertips. Gasping, she held her hands out, watching as it happened to each of her fingers, tiny bolts of lightning lancing out at her other fingers. "What the hell?" she breathed, watching them dance back and forth.

How the hell did she get this?!

The doors suddenly opened, and Jessie quickly sat on her hands, turning to see one of Thor's friends, Volstagg, enter the room, looking apologetic, two Einherjar guards with him. "Jessie Nightshade," he said. "You need to come with us."

Jessie gulped.


"Protective custody," Jessie actually chuckled as they returned to the main conference room. "That's actually funny."

"Your safety is a laughing matter to you?" May raised an eyebrow.

"Um, considering we're facing a god that has the ability to teleport anywhere?" Jessie raised an eyebrow. "Protective custody is, yeah."

"Jessie's right," Thor nodded. "No matter where we place her, Loki will be able to find her, and make no mistake, he will attempt to find her again."

"Then why isn't he trying to find her now?" Grant asked, frowning. "He could be one of us, for all we know."

That had everyone looking at each other warily. "Thank you, Robot, for that idea," Skye finally broke the tense silence.

"I'm just giving ideas," Grant sighed.

"You're doing a good job of making everyone appear to be the enemy."

Jessie raised an eyebrow, looking sideways at the next closest SHIELD agent. "They aren't together?"

Jemma blinked. "No."

"Huh." Jessie considered the two, then shrugged. "Could fool me."

"Bruce and Tony are sweeping for excess signs of gamma radiation," Steve said, looking at the tablet he had on the table. "It's how we found the Tesseract last time. We find its signature, we find where Loki will be opening up the portal."

"And then it's round two?" Saleen asked.

"Round two," Clint nodded.

"How soon until Apocalypse 2.0?"

Everyone looked around the table uneasily. "Good question," Coulson admitted. "He could open it at any moment."

"He might wait until Jessie's close by," Natasha suggested. "It's her he wants."

"I'd rather not give him that," Jessie made a face.

"That makes most of us," Grant snorted. "I don't want to be fighting an enormous army of yous."

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