Chapter Twelve

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Because I find it absolutely hilarious this gif came up when I typed in "erik selvig gif" and another one of Sam Winchester showed up further down the page. Just felt the need to say that. XD

The battle commences! Enjoy, everyone!

Trigger warning for some crude language at the end.


Saving the world was quite tiring when Jessie managed to take a second to think about it. Then Chitauri were swarming her again, and abruptly, adrenaline kicked in and sent her moving again.

In time, she was, for the first time ever, thanking any god that existed for giving her the ability to phase enemies through her, because she couldn't count on her fingers and toes how often she would have been dead meat if she didn't have that power. Most of what she did was shoot and hope she hit an enemy and not an ally. The only problem with fighting aliens was that she had no idea what it took to kill them. If it had been humans, that would have been a lot easier.

"You appear to have something on your mind!" Thor grunted as he dodged a blow.

"Currently my mind is shouting 'stay alive!' at the top of its lungs!" Jessie slid underneath a Chitauri and aimed a shot right in its eye, bringing it down.

"I thought brains didn't have lungs!"

"It's a figure of speech!"

"Are you two having a debate or something?" Clint's voice broke in.

"Shut up!"

"Then take your own advice, Vertigo!"

Jessie growled and phased through a Chitauri spear, grabbed it, and flipped the alien over her shoulder, Thor blasting it with lightning. "Noted."

"Have you found Loki?" May asked.

"No," Saleen answered, and Jessie caught a flash of light reflecting off ice nearby, two Frost Giants slamming into the sides of buildings. "I thought he'd be reveling in this."

"He's probably guarding the portal," Natasha grumbled.

"Well, how do you make him stop guarding the portal?"

"Well, the Hulk smashed him pretty well last time," Coulson recalled.

The Hulk's roar echoed across Manhattan, and Thor and Jessie exchanged glances. "Think he'd be up for it again?" Jessie asked.

"He's probably expecting that this time," Steve cut in. "It'd be better to give him something he doesn't expect."

Jessie just barely rolled out of the way of a Frost Giant that landed in front of her, then delivered two quick bullet shots to its chest. It jerked back a few steps, then Thor threw his hammer, and the Frost Giant fell to the ground below. "Would I fit that category?"

"No way in hell!" Tony finally broke in for the first time. "You are not giving yourself up!"

"Vertigo, you give yourself up, you're dead," Clint snapped.

"I'm very aware of that, thanks," Jessie frowned, standing up and doing a quick scan of the area. No aliens nearby. So she turned to Thor and said, "I didn't exactly plan on taking him on alone."

Thor turned to look at her. "Are you certain?"

"You promised to protect me," Jessie said as she double checked how many cartridges she had left for her gun. With that done, she checked the weight of one of the Chitauri spears. "And since I'm going to go have a chat with Loki . . . " She took one of the Chitauri knives while she was at it. "I guess that means you're going to have to come with me."

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