Chapter Ten

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So today I had my worst headache so far this year . .. not fun. That might be the reason this is a shorter chapter.

Everyone's favorite BroT3 (unless Three and the Maximoffs are it) reaches Svartalfheim, and it's ThunderFrostWolf vs Algrim and the Dark Elves.



"I feel like I'm supposed to be dancing at a strip club," Jessie grumbled, even as she let Natasha help readjust part of the black suit she was wearing.

"It'll ensure flexibility," Natasha shook her head, finishing zipping up the back. "Besides, I think you'd look good in fishnets."

"Yeah, no," Jessie sighed, but went back to work on her French braids. "Unless you mean stockings. Then possibly."

There was a knock on the door, then May stuck her head in. "Captain Rogers has the Quinjet ready," she reported.

"Thanks," Natasha nodded, then raised an eyebrow at Jessie. "I'm trusting Ward showed you how to use a gun."

"Military father."

"Ah. You definitely do, then. We'll have guns for you on the ship."

Jessie shook her head as she followed Natasha out, readjusting her fingerless gloves. "Fifteen years old, and I'm already an Avenger going to fight for my life, even though the head invader wants me alive for my DNA. Please pinch me and wake me up - OW!"

"Nope," Grant smirked as he came up alongside her, Jessie rubbing her shoulder and glaring at him. "You're not dreaming."

"I hate you."

"No, you don't."

She groaned as Natasha smirked, heading out onto Tony's helipad. "No, I don't."

"See? Told you so."

"Is he annoying you, too?" Skye raised an eyebrow at Jessie.

"I've dealt with worse men in my life," Jessie said dryly as Clint and Saleen walked up, Saleen in a suit similar to Natasha's, except hers was made of very dark blue fabric.

Saleen made a face. "Urgh. Don't remind me."

Jessie simply reached out and smacked her on the back of the head. "I didn't mean to."

"Ow!" Saleen winced and looked at her in shock. "What was that for?!"

"Not another word of that," Jessie pointed at her.

"Are you two finished?" Steve asked as he walked past, Bruce shuffling behind him, Tony flying down in his armor.

"Yes, sir," both responded at once before wincing at how easily they responded.

"Don't worry," Tony smirked. "That's his Cap voice. No way to avoid it."

"Thank you, Tony," Steve rolled his eyes before turning to everyone. "Loki's planning on opening the portal up above Manhattan again."

"Again?" Natasha snorted. "The exact same place?"

"Or maybe he thinks he'll win this time and can rub in in your faces," Saleen suggested.

Thor snorted. "He can try."

"He will," Jessie folded her arms. "He's going to try everything he can to get me. And then what's he going to do when he's through?"

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