Chapter Fifteen

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This took way longer than it should've. Damn you Supernatural blooper reels for distracting me. *face pillows*

Last chapter, guys! Enjoy!


Two weeks was much less time than two years.

At Jane's apartment in London, four heads raised when they heard the rumble of thunder. Darcy and Ian hurried out from the kitchen as Jane swung around in her chair to look outside. She grinned widely when she saw lightning spitting in the sky, and she shot out of her chair to run out onto the balcony.

When she made it outside, the rainbow lights of the Bifrost shot down, and Thor emerged first, followed by Loki, then Jessie stumbled slightly as she landed. As Loki laughed and helped her straighten, Jane catapulted into Thor's arms, kissing him hard. Thor kissed her back, wrapping his free arm around her. When Loki coughed, he gave his brother a glare. "Loki."

"I had to," he grinned as Jessie giggled, righting herself.

"You're all right?" Jane asked as she walked over to Jessie, the three others coming out onto the balcony.

"Better than ever," Jessie smiled brightly as Jane took in every aspect of the bronze armor she was wearing, her hair braided around to the back of her head before being bundled into a bun. "And I am now officially half goddess."

"Asgardian," Thor corrected.

Jessie sighed and rolled her eyes. "And in Norse mythology, you guys are basically gods."

Loki shook his head in amusement. "Thor, I believe we should rid ourselves of her before she makes us any more snarky."

Jessie just laughed as she turned to look out over London. "I did miss Earth," she admitted before pausing and doing a double take. "Uh . . . guys?"

"Yes?" Thor turned to her.

Jessie just pointed out towards an abandoned factory she could see close by. "What the hell is that?"

The two gods leaned forward to see what she meant, then Loki burst out laughing when he saw the scaly grey creature attempting to catch and eat pigeons. "Oh, good luck explaining that one to Father, Thor," he laughed as Thor grimaced.


"Is there anything?" Tony demanded as he looked around the Tower.

"Nothing from London," Saleen shook her head as she hung up her phone. "No signs of Asgardians or those creatures since Greenwich."

"And you're certain you heard Loki was fighting alongside Thor and Jessie?" Steve asked.

"Yes," Saleen nodded, unable to believe it as well. "He and Jessie were fighting side by side, apparently."

"So the big question is what the hell happened to make Loki fight for them?" Clint looked around. "I would have thought he'd be fighting alongside these . . . dark whatever they are."

"Dr. Foster called them Dark Elves," Natasha checked the report again.

"Yeah, those things. I thought he'd be fighting on their side."

"Well, apparently he wasn't," Saleen shook her head. "So either something really went wrong with Loki before, or he's playing Thor like a violin."

"I really did not need that image," Bruce winced.

"Yeah, neither did I, but I think I made my point."

Natasha's phone beeped, and she took a look at it, then did a double take. "What the hell?"

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