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Last part of the story, guys! Thank you so much for sticking through this! :)

And so, for the final time for this book . . . ENJOY!


As much as Jessie disliked missions outside of the country, she was fine with London. It was where her entire life had been thrown through a loop. Again.

Still, at least she wasn't alone this time. "So where's the warehouse?" Jessie asked as she made her way through the streets, speaking into her Bluetooth.

"You're right across from it," Saleen answered, and Jessie looked around the crowd to see the warehouse Fury wanted them to raid. "The Director says we'll go in there tomorrow."

"Thanks," Jessie nodded. "I'm heading back to base, OK?"

"Copy," Saleen answered. "We head out to a bar when you come back, got it?"

Jessie laughed slightly. "Got it, Icicle."

She was about to head on when she heard a voice behind her. "Jessie!"

Jessie spun around, then narrowed her eyes when she caught sight of a petite brunette girl standing there expectantly. "How do you know my name?" she asked, reaching for the gun at her side. "What do you want?"

"Sorry," the girl said. "But you're about to make a very big mistake." Jessie scowled, then the girl smirked and pointed at the department store next to them. "Don't go that way. Go through here. Who knows? Might need to stop something going wrong in the shop."

Jessie frowned at her, but the girl winked, and Jessie rolled her eyes, deciding to humor the girl and stepping inside Henrik's department store. She made her way quickly through the racks, descending into the basement. She was almost through to the end when she heard a creak behind her.

Jessie paused and turned around, narrowing her eyes and sliding a knife down her sleeve into her hand. "Somebody there?" she called out. There was a thump, and Jessie jerked back, looking around. Something was off . . . but she couldn't see anyone. "Ha ha," she laughed weakly. "Very funny, FitzSimmons. Seriously - " She yelped as every mannequin head turned as one to face her. "Skye!" she shouted, bringing her knife up to bear as all the mannequins started marching towards her. "May! Coulson! Seriously!"

The mannequin in the lead raised its hand, and Jessie flinched, raising her knife -

A hand caught her wrist, strong and tight. Jessie's eyes widened, and she whipped around. Her whiskey-colored eyes locked on a man's sapphire eyes, and he gave her a wide grin and said one word.



And to be continued in Book One of The Bad Wolf Chronicles, "Running Through the Stars!" :)

Thus ends my take on "Thor: The Dark World." I hope everyone enjoyed it! I know everyone's been wanting to know exactly how the movie played out and how Jessie and Saleen joined the Avengers. Hopefully this clears it up. :)

Thanks again to all for reading! Every bit of support helps. Many thanks again! :)

 ~ Miss Moffat

Turning The Tides (Prequel to The Bad Wolf Chronicles)Where stories live. Discover now