Chapter Four

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And I also squealed when I wrote Thor and Jessie here. Honestly, if I had a crackship for this series, it's probably either Thor and Jessie or Loki and Jessie. Her chemistry with them is just unmatched by any Avenger. Well, save Pietro and Wanda . . . but they're *SPOILERS* later. And forgive me if the Thor/Jane part is awkward. It was odd figuring out how to write the scene.

Anyway, the chapter awaits! Enjoy!


The figure overlooking the Bifrost didn't even turn before he spoke. "You're late."

"Meriment can sometimes be a heavier burden than battle," Thor smiled.

"Then you're doing one of them incorrectly," Heimdall deadpanned.

"Perhaps," Thor chuckled, stepping up next to him. "How fare the stars?"

"Still shining," Heimdall answered. "From here, I can see Nine Realms and ten trillion souls." He looked at Thor. "You recall what I told you of the Convergence?"

"Yes, the alignment of the worlds," Thor nodded. "It approaches, doesn't it?"

"The universe hasn't seen this marvel since before my watch began," Heimdall smiled. "Few can sense it. Even fewer can see it. But while its effects can be dangerous, it is truly beautiful."

Thor looked out into space, then shrugged. "I see nothing."

Heimdall smirked. "Or perhaps that is not the beauty you seek."

Thor laughed and conceded the point. "How is she?"

"She's quite clever, your mortal," Heimdall answered. "She doesn't know it yet, but she studies the Convergence as well. Even - " He broke off, narrowing his eyes. "Your other mortal friends, the young one."

"Saleen?" Thor instantly guessed.

"The other one. The youngest of all."

"Jessie," Thor breathed, eyes wide. "Is she all right?"

"I can't see her," Heimdall shook his head.


Saleen cleared her throat and took a deep breath, then let it all out and started talking. "MybestfriendjustcalledandI'mprettysureshe'salmostdeadandwehavethesepowersandIthinkwewereattackedbythesamethings - "

"OK, slow down," Clint Barton held up a hand. "You had me at 'almost dead.'"

"My attention was at powers," Tony Stark frowned. "Powers?"

"Yes, powers!" Saleen held up one fisted hand, ice covering it in a good few inches. "Can I go rescue my friend now?

"JARVIS said something about the alien attack a year ago?" Natasha Romanoff asked.

"Yes, that was who attacked me, and who I think attacked my best friend, who sounded like she was nearly dead on the voicemail she left me!" Saleen shouted.

"We'll get your friend," Steve Rogers promised. "Did she give a location?"

"Somewhere in an alley nearby," Saleen rubbed a hand over her face.

"If I may, Miss Harper, do you have an image of your friend?" JARVIS asked. "Or what is her name?"

"Jessie Nightshade," Saleen answered.

"Can you find her, J?" Tony asked.

"I believe I just found a visual on her, Sir. Sending the coordinates of her location to your suit now."

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