Chapter Seven

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*sigh* Frigga was such a badass. I loved her so much.

Basically, it's the invasion of Asgard and the aftermath. And more flashbacks. Seriously, I feel like there are more flashbacks than there is of the movie. But it would take so long to write Jessie's backstory otherwise . . .

Well, we're a good way through now. Enjoy!


Heimdall straightened suddenly from where he stood at the Bifrost, then turned and ran onto the bridge. As he drew his knives from where they were sheathed to his back, he leapt from the bridge into midair . . . colliding with a massive Dark Elf ship, its invisibility cloak failing when Heimdall stabbed it. As it flew towards the sea, Heimdall dove onto the bridge again, watching the ship crash into the water. Pleased, Heimdall panted, then paused when he saw a shadow looming. Bracing himself for the worst, Heimdall turned around.

Another Dark Elf ship was approaching, and as he watched in horror, it dispatched smaller ships, soaring for the palace. Quickly, Heimdall ran back to the Bifrost, inserting his sword into place, watching a golden energy shield rise over the city, the enemy ships crashing into it. He sighed in relief -

Only for his worry to come back as the shield suddenly fell, the defenses inside the palace falling, leaving room for the Dark Elves to invade.


Odin made his way back to the palace, having seen the Dark Elf ship crash, and his blood froze when he saw the limp, brunette warrior at the foot of a familiar staircase. She was still breathing, but when Odin bent down to check her pulse, she swallowed and breathed her last. "Run, you warrior girl . . . and remember . . . " she choked out before she let out a death rattle.

Odin's eyes widened as he looked up. "Frigga."


"So let me get this straight," Saleen paced the kitchen. Bruce had eventually left to try and talk sense into the rest of the Avengers, leaving the new girls with the new team. "Loki killed you. This Director Fury guy was there when you died. And then suddenly, you're alive again?"

"That about covers it," Coulson nodded.

Saleen pinched the bridge of her nose. "One normal day," she grumbled. "Is that too much to ask?"

"With our luck? Yes," Jessie gave her opinion. "Or were you not aware that Loki is still trying to come after me?"

"Rather hard not to forget."

"Yeah, you said he was after your blood?" the brunette American woman, Skye, asked.

"He's after my mutation," Jessie nodded. "He wants an army of villains where nothing can hurt them."

"An army of evil yous?" the brunette English woman, Jemma, guessed.

"That'll be the day," Saleen snorted. "You could never hurt a fly."

"I'm going to have to learn to if we're doing this," Jessie put her head in her hands.

"Well, Loki sure knows how to pick them," Coulson remarked, checking a tablet he held in his hands. "Saleen Harper, major undecided, interested in computer science and just about any science known to man. Jessie Nightshade, former gymnast, former swimmer . . . " He frowned. "With an unexplained grade drop in - "

"Don't go there," Saleen shook her head.

Coulson frowned, looking up. "Something I should know?"

"No," both girls said in unison.

"OK," Coulson frowned, closing the files. "Well, I suppose that can wait."

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