Chapter Thirteen

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Nearly to the end, guys. :) I think one or two chapters to finish up Asgard, maybe a chapter or two with Jessie's peeps on Earth, then epilogue time!

The battles reach their finales here. Enjoy, all!


Loki was good. Very good. And he nearly killed her several times, too.

Jessie was just lucky she was fighting with Thor on her side. Every time Loki's vibranium knife even swung towards her, Thor pushed himself in front of her to fight against the knife, Jessie ducking around so she would be fighting on the side with the scepter. Even then, Loki was using several different magic tricks, from fireballs to telekinesis to try and reach her.

She wasn't going to last forever. And Thor was starting to tire as well.

"Thor? Vertigo?" Steve's voice called. "We've still got enemies coming in!"

"We're a little busy!" Jessie barked, dropping to the ground to avoid getting a haircut.

"The portal is not here!" Thor reported.

"The very top!" Fitz called. "Massive amounts of radiation is broadcasting from the very top."

"Thank you, Fitz." A dull thud from Steve's end. "Stark?"

"I can see it," Tony answered. A moment later, the building shook, sending Thor and Jessie staggering, Loki regaining his balance quicker. "Uh, I think I'm going to need the scepter to take this thing out."

"Uh . . . " Jessie eyed the scepter glinting in Loki's hand. "I think that's going to be easier said than done."

"He's fighting with it, isn't he?"

"Yes, he is."

"I hate that thing," Coulson's voice muttered.

"Yeah, I bet you do." She paused, eyes wide, then quickly stammered, "No offense, sir."

A snort from the other end. "Nightshade, you're an Avenger now. I don't think you have to call me sir."

"All right, so we need to get the scepter from Loki," Steve got them back on topic.

"I'm open to suggestions!" Jessie somersaulted backwards to avoid the knife aimed right at her shoulder. "And preferably quickly!"

"And avoid dying, if possible."

"Oh, yes, did I mention the vibranium knives he has?"

"He has what?!"

That came from May, Grant, and Steve. "Yes, he has vibranium knives!" Jessie nodded, watching Loki duck to avoid a swing from Thor, then stab at the god of thunder's leg. Thor avoided, and the two were back at it again. "So yes, avoid dying. That'd be nice."

"Has he hurt you?" Saleen asked worriedly.

"No, but I'm starting to get a bit tired here."

There was the sound of a gun being shot on the other end, then Saleen said, "I'm on my way up."


But then Saleen was blasting her way up, covered completely in ice. Loki turned to take on the new thread -

Saleen brought her hands up, icicles shooting out of her hands constantly. Loki was forced to alternate between using the scepter and knife to avoid being hit.

It was exactly the opening the two others needed.

Thor barreled into Loki, knocking him off balance. That gave Jessie time to run forward and grab the scepter. "Stark!" she shouted. "Need you!"

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