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Kaylee's POV

Holding onto my role script, I looked at the director, waiting for him to yell cut.

"Aaaannnddd that'll do, girls," He said, instead. "You can pack up now, keep refreshed for next week!"

The girls around me- fellow actors and models - all ran for the dressing room, where they dropped their fake smiles and glared at me.

"Going to go fuck around with The Beatles?" One of them asked, pulling off her dress. "They're only going to use you, you realise?"

I pretended I hadn't heard her, letting my long hair fall in front of my eyes.

They could say all they wanted; I was still the only one who Paul paid attention to.

"That's right, shy away, you slut."

My cheeks burnt with rage as I felt myself whip my head up and look the girl dead straight in the eyes.

"Oh really?" I hissed, watching the girl stare back at me. "You've got a lot of confidence for someone whose been trying to get The Beatle's attention all week."

Having a new found confidence, I smirked as the girl's jaw dropped and I spun around, opening the door and walking head long into someone I definitely did not want to see.



I almost screamed.

John, almost as shocked as I was, reached behind me and slammed the door closed on the surprised models.

His eyes looked down into mine before he roughly pushed me away, blinking quickly.

"Wh-what was that for?" He asked, his eyes starting to shine with anger.

"Woah, calm down," I replied, raising my hands. "I opened the door to walk out and you were in my way."

"Yeah, but you were taking up the whole doorframe you fucking-"

Just as he was about to finish that sentence, I felt my eyes prick.

What was he even doing there if all he was going to do was insult me?

I've had enough of this.

John's eyes widened as he also realised what was about to come from his mouth, but I had heard enough.

This time, it was me who turned around and walked off.

Hearing John's footsteps close behind, I kept walking, gathering speed.

"No, Kaylee!" He called, placing a hand on my shoulder. "I didn't mean-"

I shook his hand off and turned to him, looking him in the eyes, careful not to show my threatening tears.

"Just- leave me the fuck alone, John." I explained, my voice breaking.

Turning back around, I stormed off into the canteen, hoping I would never have to face John again.

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