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John's POV

My hands stretched out in front of me as I yawned, a habit I had whenever I woke up in the morning, expecting to feel the warm body of Kaylee next to me.


I frowned, my eyes still closed.

Where could she have gone?

I opened my eyes slightly and gazed upon the half made bed, my heart starting to pound.

What. Is. Going. On.

I shot upright, looking around the hotel, trying to find any evidence of her possessions, to make it seem like she had just gone out for a bit.

Throwing off the bed covers, I scampered to the other side of my bed, only to find that her suitcase was..


My heart was about to leap out of my throat.

How could she?

Tears sprang to my eyes as I ran to the kitchen counter in my underwear, hoping she had left something.


My palms started to sweat as my sight fell upon quite a decent note which I picked up with shaky hands.

My eyes scanned the beautiful rounded hand-writing as panic shot through my body.


I love you. Basic and simple. I do, but I can't stay. I know this seems like a dramatic fucking movie, but I can't be here. Something happened with Paul and I, and I don't think being around you is going to help.

I love you so much, and this hurts. Half my heart is missing. I hope you can move on and find someone who is your own age and won't cause so much trouble in your life.

I know it's hard to believe, but we don't need each other. It feels like I've known you my whole life, but I have to go.

This is too much to handle, and last night was the stamp to the postcard. It's done. We've sealed everything, but it's time to let go.

I hope everything good for your life John, I hope for big things.

I love you. Kaylee xxxxx'

A tear escaped and ran down my cheek before resting on the paper.

It quickly absorbed and spread, snapping me back to reality.

She's gone.

She's gone?

She can't be gone.

I turned my back to the counter and slid down to the floor, clutching the letter to my chest.

Sobs threatened to break through, but I couldn't.

I need to get through this.

How could she have just left?

Had she just simply gone to the airport and brought another ticket?

I stared in disbelief at the bed in front of me, remembering everything from last night.

I swear to God, she's going to be the last.

Until we meet again, I forbid myself to sex.

No, that's unrealistic.

Feeling my eyes close shut, I let out a broken sob.

The last time I cried like this, it had been over my own mother.

Now another girl has left me.

It's always the ones who I seem to want the most in my life..

I breathed in a jagged breath before resting my head back on the wooden boards behind me.


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