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John's POV

She didn't mean it at all.

I'm positive.

When you love someone, you show it!

Not go and hook up with each of my bandmates one-by-one.

Sitting in the middle of a park on a hill, I picked at the grass by my feet before I realised: "I'm the biggest hypocrite ever.."

I know I was horrible to her, but what was I supposed to do?

I've never really been able to express my feelings to a girl, especially if they're true.

Yeah, I can be the smoothest kid in the club, but I'm never that way around girl's I actually fancy being with.

When I was around her, I felt like I needed her attention and her attention only.

But I acted with negative attraction.

The wind blew my hair into my eyes and I laid back, my hands behind my head.

Sucks to be me.

She doesn't love me, I know it.

She's messing with me just like she messed with me at that party.

Hooking up with George..

Wouldn't you rather hook up with a donkey?

Ugh, there I go again!

Blaming things on my friends because the girl I want is pretending to like me and be a bitch!

I groaned once again and kicked my feet, hitting something solid.

"Ouch!" The solid thing yelled, and I sat bolt upright.

Opening my eyes, the shaggy figure of George stood by my feet, his dorky grin faltering by the pain in his shin.

"Oh, George? Sorry." I mumbled, sitting up. "Whatcha doin'?"

Kneeling down to sit beside me, he sighed and shrugged his shoulders, turning to me with his huge grin.

"Thought ya needed some company.." He stated, nodding to me.

We both stared at the setting sun, which had turned the sky purple, our hair being abused by the wind.

"She loves you, ya know."

Startled, I glanced sideways at George, who was still facing the sky.

"No, no she doesn't." I replied, mangling the grass beneath my fingers.

"You don't know that, do ya?" He replied, kicking his feet.

"Yes, I do, in fact." I protested. "I know."

"No, ya don't.." George continued, raising his hand when he saw me about to argue back. "She told me."

Confused, I stared at him.

Why would she possibly tell George?

"You- I- Stop lying, George! She doesn't love me and that's that! As much as I bloody wished she did, she doesn't!"

"No, John, you don't underst-"

"George, she doesn't love me, she loves that fucking Paul McCartney! Just leave and ta-"

"John, she turned down sex with me because she loves you."

Mid-sentence, I had stopped, bewildered.

"She what..?" I asked, not sure if I had heard properly.

"I was drunk, hear me out, I was, and I was about to.. ya know.. And she yelled out for me to stop because she loves you. You have no idea what happens with her because you don't want to. Maybe if you apologised and tried to get her, she will agree."

Stunned, I sat there on the hill, my mouth gaping slightly from the news.

"That's the thing.." I muttered back to George, my heart spinning. "I tried to apologise, but she didn't do anything."

A few muffled pieces of advice spilled from George's mouth, but I was too pre-occupied with the voices running through my head, because they were screaming the same 3 words:


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