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Paul's POV

The beginning of a smut-to-be kinda thing. Think I'm getting used to it..

My steps were timid and soft

Maybe she was asleep..

Maybe this was an awful idea after all..

You're not here for anything else other than to comfort her, I scolded to myself, She needs somebody, and here I am.

Finally, I gathered the will and knocked quickly on Kaylee's hotel door, precisely number 401.

"Hello?" Her voice rang as she cautiously opened the door slowly, but soon yanked it open at the sight of me. "Paulie?"

"Hey, it's me." I replied, no smiles cracked.

I noticed her eyes were quite puffy and red, but she seemed quite stable.

"And you're here for..?" She asked and my stomach did a flip.

Was I going to sound desperate?

Did she need company?

Was I a bother, in her eyes?

"I- uh, I needed to pick something up," I stammered, pointing my finger un-decisively at her apparent kitchen over her shoulder. "S-some sugar, I guess?"

"Yeah, sureee.." Kaylee replied, staring at me before stalking off to her small kitchen clutter. "How much?"

"Quite a lot." I answered, hoping it would buy me more time to chat and get to the bottom of this.

My mind reeled at the thought of this whole age thing.

I didn't want to believe the words that came out of John's mouth.

Right here, right in front of me, was the most beautiful girl I had ever met.

How could she still be a young lady?

It's un-believable.

"Is this enough, Paul?"

Snapping back to reality, I looked up to Kaylee who was standing in front of me and holding a container almost full to the brim with sugar.

"Uh, woah." I amused, taking the plastic box from her and gazing at the grains, hopefully distracting her from kicking me out. "Why do you think sugar taste's so good?"

"I don't know, Paul." I heard her groan, and I turned to her, concerned. "I'm sorry, I'm just not in the mood for any insane questions at the moment."

I watched her with my gaze as she walked over to her small couch and flopped down, her light skirt catching the breeze from her opened window.

The afternoon sun struck her sight and she grimaced, making her pretty face scrunch up.

I placed the container of sugar on the kitchen bench and walked over to Kaylee, before sitting down next to her and placing my arm over her shoulders.

"I know what happened." I simply said, which made her gasp a little. "I was shocked. Why did you keep it from us?"

I felt her shoulders slump under my embrace and her body shake a little before I grabbed her and pulled her body across my lap, so her body was laying comfortably against mine.

"I never wanted this." Were the words I was met with. "This was never in the contract."

I managed a small laugh, but it faded away into seriousness.

"Did you think you could live with it?" I asked, the temptation to stroke her cheek eating from the inside. "What was even running through your mind?"

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