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Kaylee's POV

From the living room, the phone rang.

"I'll get it," Maureen assured, getting up from the couch we were on, chatting. "It could just be Brian throwing a tantrum at the boys."

I grinned and nodded, agreeing with her; Brian hadn't been happy with the boys lately.

As Maureen reached the phone and placed it to her ear, starting with her usual 'Morning!', a reply came and her face went pale and she looked at me in shock.

"I- I'll go get him."

With that, Maureen hurried from the room, leaving me to sit on the couch in confusion, wondering who on Earth was on the phone.

Could something have happened? Well, obviously.

From the hallway came Maureen's feet running back into the living room and as I looked up, I saw John too, Jasper tight in his arms.

"Here," John cooed, passing Jasper carefully to me, and I gripped him, worried about John's ashen face.

Whoever was on the phone was for John; it didn't seem like a family reunion.

As I sat watching John pick up the phone, Maureen shuffled next to me and took my arm, helping me from the couch.

"Wha-" I started, but Maureen hushed me and pushed me from the room.

The last thing I saw was John staring widely at me from the corner, where he had the phone gripped in his hands, muttering:

"No, no, no, no, no.."


I awoke my light nap, only to hear the whimpers of Jasper beside me, where I'd apparently placed him on the blanket.

My room was beginning to darken as the sun sank, but no one had aroused me, even to remind me to feed Jasper.

I sat up and grabbed him, placing him on my hip to take him with me to the kitchen, but before that could happen, a knock came on my door.

It was soft, as though the owner didn't want to wake me, but was interested whether or not I was awake.

"Yes?" I asked, grabbing a bottle from on the drawers and holding it in my free hand. "Come in!"

The door opened hesitantly, and I wasn't the least bit shocked to see John, who I assumed was here to tell me about the phone call.

"Hey," He responded, and as he slid into my room, he closed the door behind him. "Can we.. talk?"

I gave him a weird look.


John sighed deeply, and as he sat down on my bed, I realised that his eyes were bloodshot - not from crying, but I had began to notice they did that whenever he over thought a situation and worried too much.

I nervously placed Jasper down in the cot Pattie had brought me, and sat down beside John.

Immediately, his hand reached out and wrapped around mine, to let me know that this didn't mean what I probably thought it did.

"This morning.." He began, and I nodded, itching for him to tell me. "I, ah, I got a phone call from someone."

"Yes?" I urged, half of me wanting him to tell me, the other half knowing I'll dread it.

"It was from Cynthia."

My mind reeled.

What could Cynthia possibly want? What could she possibly tell John that'll affect him in this way?

"I don't see how anything she says can be so bad," I muttered, but John shook his head, closing his eyes.

"Apparently there is," He continued, and what he said made my heart and head hurt.

"Cynthia's pregnant."





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