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Paul's POV

How many times had we walked down the street, silent, intense?

Too many to count, but this time, we'd all agreed to try and have a good time.

Ringo suggested we go partying, which George had gone with, leaving John and I no choice.

"I wonder if we should have invited Pattie.." George thought aloud, once again.

"I thought she rejected you?" Ringo asked, the word 'rejected' making John's face scrunch up.

Ringo made an apologetic face, sympathetic, perhaps, as though he understood what John was going through.

What I was going through.

I'd held him while he cried over the same girl I was in love with.

He was just as sensitive as me about this whole ordeal.

She might have meant to only leave John, but she'd left me behind too.

She remembered what we had shared.

Almost done.

She left me like rubbish.

He wasn't the only grieving one.

I felt my hands itch for a cigarette, but we'd seemed to suddenly stop outside a flashing building, lights lining the door way and windows.

"How about this, eh?" George sighed, seemingly exhausted with the tension between us all. "Let's go in there and have fun, alright?"

There were a few muffled agreements, but only a stiff nod from John.

I'd try, and I knew John would too, but we'd both be equally bugged about the same girl.

"Good." George continued, stubbing his cigarette against the brick wall and headed inside, Ringo following suite.

I took a glance at John, who was staring at me warily from the corner of his eye.

"You alright?" I asked, fully knowing the answer.

He shrugged in reply, soon following the other two's path inside, where the music buzzed through the open door.

Putting on a neutral face, I chased after them.


The music throbbed in my ears as I struggled through the crowd of bodies, clutching my drink in my hands.

No one really had time to look around properly, with the dancing and what-not, so us Beatle's were safe.

My drink spilled over the top of my narrow cup a few times, but I made it to 'our' table just in time.

It was only John and I, sitting across from each other, neither of us had cracked a smile, nor a joke.

"Where's Ringo?" I yelled over the music, wondering where he'd gone after he was right next to me before I left for refreshments.

"Dancing," John yelled back and leant over to point past my shoulder. "With that brunette."

I turned around to see Ringo and a short dark haired girl jumping to the up-beat music, rather distasteful, but who cared?

We were all drunk.

I shrugged my shoulders and turned back to the table, picking up my drink and taking a long and slow sip, spotting George in the crowed behind John, dancing with whoever was around him and whoever had a rather nice figure.

I tutted a bit before a squeal sounded and my drink was pushed sideway from my hands, spilling onto the seat next to me.

"Hey!" John yelled, as a girl was pushed roughly into his side, igniting a burst of laughter.

"I'm so sorry!" The girl giggled, turning to her friend. "Jane! That was horrible, get lost!"

I pulled my attention from the spilt drink and onto the two girls, who turned out to be quite attractive.

One blonde and one strawberry.

"I'm sorry," The blonde gushed, giving me a smirk. "Would you like me to buy you another drink?"

I frowned and shook my head, glancing at her strawberry friend, gazing back at me with interest.

A scurry of butterfly's switched in my stomach, making me frown.

"Do you mind if we sit wit-"

"Wait a second! I know you!"

John's shouting made a few people twist their heads around towards him, but their attention soon faded out.

"What?" The blonde asked, after realising he meant her.

"Yeah!" John continued, shifting into a straight position in his chair. "I went to art school with you, I sat in front of you.. And- and your friend touched my hair! Remember?"

A sparkle of recognition lit up in the blonde's eyes and she leant forward, placing her hands on the table, her friend shuffling her feet closer towards me.

"Ohhhh.." She sighed, smiling down at John. "You're Lennon, right?"


"Nice meeting you again, I'm Cynthia."

John gave her a wide grin, something which made me snap with anger.

How could he be so happy?

The girl of his dreams left him no less than 24 hours ago, and here he was, gushing over another girl!

"..and this is Jane.."

I had tuned back in just in time to hear the name of Cynthia's friend, although I had heard them giggling before the introduction.

"That's Paul." John replied, gazing and blushing at Cynthia, who appeared to be doing the same. "Say, it's getting a bit late, how about we walk you women home?"

"Of course!" Jane piped up, the first words I had heard from her all night.

Her sparkly eyes danced quickly onto mine before flickering away, seeming to tap the switch in my stomach again.

What the hell?

It was all a dream as I watched John stand from his seat and grab Cynthia's hand, leading her through the dancing mob and unto the exit, followed shortly.

I sat still at the table, Jane's eyes washing over me as she stood there, expectantly.

"I- uh, here," I muttered, pushing the empty cup from the seat next to me before standing up and managing to look Jane in the eyes. "Lemme get you home."

"Sure thing," She replied, wrapping her slender wrist around my elbow and allowed herself to be walked out onto the chilly street.

I have no idea why this was happening.

I should be walking Kaylee home..



Why did John get over Kaylee so quickly? Is it all as it seems to be on the surface?

Why is Paul dwelling on the past so much? Are the butterflies he feels for Jane.. real?


;) Keeping reading to find out!

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