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Paul's POV

I stood there, watching this tiny little person, who was the product of my two best friends.

Well, two people I thought I knew.

Jasper was gorgeous, his eyes just like his mothers, yet everything else belonged to his father, and it only made the pain increase.

I heard Kaylee leave the room to grab something, and as I turned to watch her, I knew it was now or never.

I had been thinking of ways to get her out and off my mind, but always came to the same resolution..

Gathering the courage, and with one last glance toward Jasper, I followed her from the room.

She was at her drawers, rummaging through them for something, and as I inspected the room, I noticed it contained hers and John's things.

Although they were still living with George and Pattie, they had seemed to settle in very fast.

"Kaylee?" I asked, breaking the silence and making her jump in the darkness.

She spun around to face me, a blanket clutched in her hand, seeming slightly worried so see me there.

"Paul-" She started, but I stepped into the room, trying hard not to seem aggressive or crazed.

"Kaylee," I repeated, taking a deep breath. "I can't stop thinking about you."

"Paul-" Kaylee continued, and I could see she was flustered. I took a step closer.

"No, Kaylee." I replied, keeping an even tone despite my nerves. "You have to leave John. He can't handle this - You know that. He's a free spirit."

Kaylee's hand shot out and grabbed my arm, keeping me from stepping closer.

"What's going on. You know John loves Jasper," She breathed in deeply. "What do you want, Paul?"

"Sleep with me." I answered, the walls around me breaking down. I must look like a lunatic to her, but to me, I seemed pathetic and weak. "It's the only way you'll ever be off my mind. Please, Kaylee, just for the night."

I expected a slap, a kick, a scream or a punch, but all I got was a gasp.

"Paul!" She shrieked, and stood there, her eyes wide.

When I didn't try and apologise for my words, she realised just how serious I was.

"I can't," She responded, letting go of my arm and backing up against the drawers. "John - He's your best friend. You expect me to betray him?"

I frowned deeply, although I knew she was right.

Going back on my word would only result in embarrassment, so I tried to justify myself.

"He betrayed you!" I argued. "He's gotten another woman pregnant!"

"He didn't even know that baby was his at the time. We weren't even together!"

"You could've been."


"If he wanted you so badly, why did he wait until the baby was born to try again?" I asked, and when I saw Kaylee's expression drop, I knew I was getting somewhere. "Why did he knowingly get Cynthia pregnant when he could've been trying to reach you?"

Suddenly, as I lifted my hand to touch Kaylee, she pushed me away from her with such force I almost tripped backwards.

"Get away!" She shouted, running from the room. "Leave John alone and go home!"

I raced from the room to find her in the living room, where she'd scooped up Jasper and was holding him to her chest; I realised he was a reminder to herself that John loved her.

"I don't know what you're playing at," She hissed, pointing to the door. "But it's friends or nothing. Sabotaging my relationship is going to result in the 'nothing' option."

I took one last glance at Kaylee, then walked out the door.


Sticky situation! How's John going to deal with this?

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