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John's POV

Having Kaylee around was nerve-racking.

I didn't know where to look, when to walk out of my bedroom, where to sit, because she was there.

George volunteered to give Kaylee his bed, since Kaylee turned down Paul's offer, and George slept on the couch, waiting for Brian to ring and tell us we were leaving.

"Maybe tomorrow?" Ringo would always enthuse, and I'd feel my hands clamp together at those words.

Because when we get there, Kaylee will stay.

She'll be around me, and more importantly, I'll be around Cynthia.

What will she say when she realises I used to be in love with Kaylee?

Heck, I still care for her, but she isn't who I'm with anymore.

Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.


I yawned and stretched my arms above my head, clambering from my bed and onto the floor.

Waking up wasn't easy, especially with a crowded head.

Pushing myself up, I staggered out of my room without thinking and strode lazily into the kitchen area, only to be greeted with the sound of bacon already in the fry pan.

"Oh, g'morning." I muttered, rubbing my eyes, as my eyes hadn't adjusted to the light yet. "Can I 'ave some?"


I frowned and opened my eyes, blinking a few times to get them working, and almost fell backwards when I saw who I was talking to.

"O- of course you can." Kaylee stammered, her eyes wide, turning away from me.

I felt my cheeks burn and I quickly tried to act like I hadn't made a mistake - like I hadn't broken the 'Don't Talk To Me, I'm Your Ex' rule.

"I'm sorry, Kaylee-" I began, but Kaylee sighed, cutting me off.

"You know what, John? This is shit."

I blinked once, staring at her with confusion as she turned to face me.

"W- what do you mean?"

"I mean, this. I know what I did was selfish and thoughtless, believe me, I know. But seriously, I'm not going to keep acting like you're a police man and I'm a thief. The most you can do is let me be your friend. Again."

After her long, and possibly prepared, speech, Kaylee pursed her lips and turned back to the bacon, leaving me to stand, astonished, by the kitchen table.

"Okay." I simply replied, but it was enough to make Kaylee jump.

Maybe she wasn't expecting for me to accept; I didn't expect myself to agree either.

"Really?" She whispered, disbelief ringing loud.

I didn't need to see her face to know that she was now grinning - because I was too.

"But, Kaylee." I objected, and she turned around calmly. "Please, steer clear of Cyn. Shes - I don't want her to know about this. She'll get involved, I know it."

Kaylee's eyes turned cold and I knew the smile she gave me was forced.

"Of course, yes. It'll be fine."

Nodding, I let her get on with the food, sure that Kaylee wasn't very comfortable with Cynthia, but I needn't worry.

Walking down the hallway, I was greeted with Paul, his body was leaning against the wall, as though he were listening.

Before I could accuse him, he set his steely stare upon me, making me shiver.

"You have girlfriend, John. Kaylee is pregnant." He hissed. "Don't even think about it."


Thank you for all the votes and comments, my Beatlmaniacs! xx

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