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451 16 5

Sorry if I keep confusing you with the chapter numbers, I always get them mixed up and have to fix them -.-

Paul's POV

The morning shone in through the curtains and I sat up in George and Pattie's spare bedroom, clean and tidy.

Last night, I promised I wouldn't drink too much, and I hadn't, considering we only stayed for an hour.

Thank God, I didn't really want a hangover.

Kaylee had fallen asleep in the car, according to George and John, who hung around outside, smoking.

We all knew she wouldn't be up to it, so it wasn't a surprise.

Ever since last night, though, John had seemed very withdrawn, insisting on sleeping at George and Pattie's, rather than going home to his sick girlfriend, who is probably frantic.

We all seemed rather suspicious of their relationship, although, on a higher note, Kaylee had been warmer around me lately, and somehow, it was all I cared about.

I threw the sheets off my little bed and walked from the room and into the kitchen, where George stood with Pattie, making something that smelled entirely of bacon.

"Whose awake?" I asked, stretching.

"Kaylee and Ringo are in bed," Pattie replied, returning to the bowl in front of her, which turned out to be scrambled eggs. "Can you go and wake John? He'll need to get home soon."

Nodding, I walked off down the hallway, leading to yet another spare bedroom, and opened the door slowly.

The room was full of morning sunlight, and sitting on a ready made bed, was a clothed John, scribbling on a small notepad.

I knew John was constantly drawing and writing, songs and stories, so curiosity got the better of me, and I wanted to know what was going on inside my best friends head.

Quietly, as he hadn't heard me, I stepped forwards on the carpet and peered over his shoulder to read his slanted writing.

The page was filled, but they weren't words, they were names.

I read a few, confused: Juliet, Julian, Kassandra, Peter (which was crossed out), Tyler, Stuart..


I jumped, startled, as John yelled my name, closing the book with a thump.

"John, I- uh," I began, but as turned around to face me on his bed, his expression wasn't angry - more or less terrified.

"Paul," John repeated, throwing the small notebook onto the floor, away from me, his eyes wide. "What are you doing?"

I placed a hand on the door knob for his bedroom, prepared to close the door and walk away, but all I managed to say was: "Have you and Cyn got a new pet?"

John's mouth turned into an embarrassed smirk and he laughed nervously, which I copied.

"Uh, yeah," John replied, running a shaky hand through his hair; shocked, maybe. "Cynthia's got a cat. I asked to pick the name."

Biting my lip, I folded my arms.

"Speaking of Cyn," I started, suggesting to forget the whole scene, John's eyes staring intently into mine. "How come you didn't go home to her last night?"

I watched as John pushed himself off the spare bed and reached down to pick up his coat off the floor, then hurry past me into the hallway.

"I should get going," He murmured, his voice carrying down the hallway. "Is Kaylee awake?"

Shrugging, I followed him into the kitchen, where Pattie was shoving something into the oven, George sitting on the couch with newspaper.

"Morning!" George sang, glancing up. "Where you going?"

"Home to Cyn-" John answered, but was cut off by Ringo entering the room, his hair a tangled mess.

"You leaving?" He asked, and John stopped in his tracks. "I thought we all agreed to stay and go with Kaylee?"

I peered at Ringo, confused, his eyebrows raised in a questioning manner.

"Or maybe she only asked me.."

"Go where?" George asked, setting down his newspaper and standing up beside John.

"To the doctors," Ringo replied, and I sensed John tightening his hands beside me. "She's going to get an ultra-sound on the baby."

"And you're going?" John questioned, his voice stern, and I wondered why he cared.

Yes, Kaylee and John seemed to have accepted each other again, but I knew things couldn't ever be the same.

"Well, yeah, but I thought she had asked if we'd all like to come," Ringo continued, then bit his lip. "But apparently not.."

"No!" I objected, inching towards the hallway. "I- I'll go with you. Here, let me go wake her."

I set off down the hallway, past John's room, eyes burning into my back.

I wondered if Kaylee had asked Ringo if we'd all like to come, but if she didn't, hopefully she'll accept me too.

The hallway ended with a wooden door, which I presumed as Kaylee's, and I knocked.

"Yeah?" Came a voice from behind the door, and I opened it slowly, to reveal a readily dressed Kaylee, her hands clasped in her lap as she sat before her mirror. "Oh, hi Paul."

My heart beat faster when she said my name, and not for the first time, I marvelled at how she'd forgiven me for what had happened between us.

"Hello, do you mind if you come with me to the living room?" I asked, widening the door.

Kaylee's eyebrows raised, but she didn't say anything as she got up from her seat and followed me out the door and down the hallway, leading to the kitchen.

I expected John to have left, as I thought he'd have gone home to Cynthia, but he remained in the kitchen/living room, sitting down next to George and Ringo on the couch.

"Morning, love." Pattie exclaimed from the kitchen to Kaylee, and she smiled in response, before turning to face the three others on the couch.

"What's wrong?" Kaylee asked, glancing at me, and I nodded towards Ringo.

"Ringo said you were going to the doctor's today," I explained, earning a nod of agreement from Kaylee. "And us other boys wanted to come also."

A confused smile spread across Kaylee's lips and she managed a laugh.

"Seriously?" She asked, turning to face the others. "You actually want to come?"

I watched her blue eyes as they turned from the boys and back onto me, her smile dropping.

"Wait, honestly?" She questioned, and I nodded.

"Of course we do," I heard John say from down on the couch, and at his words, Kaylee's face went pale.

"I thought you were going back home?" Ringo interjected, and I faced them, tilting my head at John.

Something was going on..

"She'll be fine," John responded, simply shrugging, his gaze settling down on Kaylee, who I saw turn away. "This is much more important."

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