Chapter 5: My Mate?

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  All five of them nodded and left the room. I turned back to look for them but they were gone. I started to walk but his paw stopped me."Where do you think you are going?", Kiaan said, walking in front of me."I'm trying to protect my family", I said, trying to get passed him. Kiaan stared at me with disbelief."You're the long lost Sara they keep talking about?", he asked.

  I nodded with a little fear in me. He started hugging me,"I knew there was something in all those stories that made me know you were my mate." I pulled away from him,"What do you mean mate?" He looked at me and laughed."They haven't told you about mates yet?", he said under his laugh. I shook my head.

  "It's who your suppose to be with the rest of your life. Like a soul mate. When your eyes glow that bright, it means that is your mate. And that's me", he said with a smirk,"But come on. I need you safe. Let's go." He, then, led me to a higher branch and we crouched down. After a couple seconds, he licked my cheek.

  I could feel the human inside me blush. I licked his cheek back and smirked at me. His ear pricked up and crouched down even further. He put a paw on my back, telling me to crouch down as well. I looked down to see five men carrying hunting rifles.

  After a while, he finally let me up. We both sat up and his nose connected with mine. I pulled away and asked,"What was that?". He looked me hurt,"That was a kiss."

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