Chapter 22: Hell

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Kiaan's POV

  I watched as Sara caressed Ira. She looked so peaceful. All of the sudden, a growl ruined this perfect moment. I hurried Tanya and Zara out of the room and Sara took the sleeping Ira up to our branch. Shanaya climbed down to us since the adults were out and about.

  Sher Khan, Eva, and Rohan entered the room. They all had different expressions on their faces: Sher Khan was pissed, Eva was smirking, and Rohan kept his head down. Sher Khan approached me with fire in his eyes,"Ok. I get your girlfriend likes my daughter, but you don't have to keep taking her!"

  "What are you talking about?", Sara spoke with a harsh tone,"We haven't seen her." Sher Khan's expression softened and he turned to Sara. "I guess she escaped to the wolf tribe", he said, turning away from me.

  He left with the other two and headed to the wolf tribe. Sara relaxed and the three cubs came down to the main room. Ira ran to Sara and Shanaya went to watch her sisters play.

  Ira looked in the distance with fear. I felt bad for her. She has to lie to her father just so she can live happily. At least here she won't turn out like her sister. Her despicable, sexy sister. I mean she'll be of the same build but at least her mind will turn out decent.

  I sat next to her and looked down at her. She looked up at me with tears brimming in her eyes. "Why does he even care to look for me?", she questions, with her voice shaking. Sara came up to us and pulled Ira into her leg, soaking her beautiful, black fur.

  In the distance, I heard Bagheera panting in the distance. Sara noticed him and ran to him, leaving the cub alone. I followed behind her and noticed Bagheera limping. Sara looked at him with worry in her eyes,"What happened?" He kept walking as he spoke,"Patrol. Iris. Attack."

  Iris was Sher Khan's mate, also Eva and Rohan's mom. She a smaller tiger compared to Sher Khan, but she knew how to protect herself. As I examined Bagheera, I noticed large slashes on his side and down his leg. Sara and I quickly helped him on the tree and Kiara rushed to him.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a stray tear fall from Sara's eye. I ran to her and shoved her head under mine. She quietly sobbed into my neck as Kiara started to heal him. She knew lots of healing things from around the forest, so we put it in her hands.

  She told Sara and I to put the cubs to bed because she didn't want them to see their father like that. Sara and I nodded and collected the cubs. We went to their branch and they quickly fell asleep. The only one who was still awake was Ira.

  She was still sobbing, like she was before Bagheera came, though she lost it when she heard what happened. Sara caressed her in her paws before she fell asleep. I went down to the main room to privately talk with Kiara.

  "This has to end", she said, before I could even speak. Her face became serious as she talked,"We have a crying cub, an injured panther, and let's not forget about this war that y'all are training for." She went on and on about how she is protecting her family. When she mentioned war for the second time, Sara came towards me, with determination on her face.

  This was going to be a long night.

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