Chapter 24: Going Home

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  I woke up and I noticed my parents were in a frenzy. The final battle was today and I was excited. My plan would go well and I knew it. A smile grew on my face as I walked down to the main room. My mom was trying to feed the three cubs as Bagheera was giving Shanaya a crash course in protection.

  Ira saw me and immediately ran to me. She rubbed her body up against my legs and I nudged her to go eat. She smiled and continued to eat. Kiaan came down and rubbed his face against mine. He gave me a smile and headed to Bagheera to help him with Shanaya's lesson.

  I walked over to the cubs and made small conversation with them. They mostly asked me questions about fighting and what we get in return. I answered them, honestly, and told them about my plan, keeping my voice at a whisper.

  Bagheera called us over, telling us about his attack plan. Kiaan and I, both, knew what was going to happen. Our plan was going without a hitch. We said goodbye to the cubs and climbed out of the tree. We walked to place where we were supposed to fight, which everyone was there.

  They got into their fighting positions and we got into ours. I looked at Kiaan who nodded his head at me, then I turned my attention to Kiya and Rohan, who both nodded their heads at us. I nodded back and screamed,"Now!"

  We got in front each of the pairs of warriors. They straightened themselves and gave us puzzled looks. Kiya and Rohan faced Sher Khan and Eva, while Kiaan and I faced my parents. "What are you doing?", Bagheera asked.

  "Compromise is better than war", Kiaan hissed. Bagheera's expression softened and he glanced at his wife, whose expression was back to normal. From behind me, I heard Eva taunting Kiya,"That scar doesn't suit you."

  "You gave it to me", Kiya hissed through her teeth. Eva growled and got ready to pounce, but Sher Khan held her back. "No. She's right", he said. He walked towards Bagheera and apologized for everything he's done to him.

  I relaxed, knowing everything was ok. Kiya and Rohan turned to face Kiaan and I. Eva had disappeared into the jungle. No one saw where she went, until she attacked Kiya.

  Eva swung her claws at Kiya, not hitting her face. Sher Khan yelled at Eva to stop, but she was to caught up in her mission. My vision went red and I pounced on Eva, knocking her on the ground.

  I stood on top of Eva until Sher Khan approached us. I got of off her and she rolled on to her side. He swung at her once, slicing open her cheek. She winced in pain and began to cry. I had never seen her cry, so this was a first for me.

  My mom offered to walk her home and Sher Khan agreed. The rest of us went to Kaa. Kaa is the snake that has the power to open and close the portal to the real world and this world.

  Kaa showed us the way to the portal and opened it for us. Bagheera and Sher Khan walked through. Afterwards, Kiya and Rohan walked through. I, hesitantly, stepped through hoping he'd still love my human form.

  I stepped through, forgetting about my human form. I was skinny and made myself believe I wasn't pretty. I turned around and saw Kiaan, immediately falling in love. He was muscular and his face was chiseled.

  He looked at me and smiled."You are gorgeous", he said, grabbing my waist. I blushed and looked away. He grabbed my chin and pulled it towards his direction. He stared in my eyes,"How do people kiss in this world?" I smiled,"Like this."

  I wrapped my arms around his neck and placed my lips on his. He kissed me back and put his hands on my waist. I pulled away and looked around. Everyone was staring at us. I hid my face and started walking to the orphanage.

  Once we were there, nostalgia hit me. All my life, I've lived in that house and now, I've found my family. My life is about to change.

  I walked into the large building. Ms. Natalia got up from the chair and greeted Bagheera and Sher Khan. She looked at me and tears fell down her face. She hugged Claire and I. Bagheera and Sher Khan explained the situation and Natalia pulled out the papers.

  She let us wonder around and go see the girls before we left. My eyes met with Ashley's and she leapt into my arms. Tears fell down her face as well. "Who are the two buff dudes?", she asked. Before I could answer, Kiaan answered for me,"We are their mates." Ashley looked at me with confusion. I laughed,"Boyfriends."

  She nodded and still looked at me confused. We filled each other in on our lives, excluding the jungle and portal stuff. Soon, it was time to leave and I asked Ashley if she wanted to come. She nodded and followed behind us. We walked back to the portal and stepped through.

  Ashley was a gorgeous leopard, with golden eyes. Kiaan and I went off to find ourselves a tree, so did Kiya and Rohan, and Anvi, aka Ashley, lived with Kiya and Rohan. Soon, Kiaan and I had two beautiful cubs and Anvi found her mate, or mates. Everything was perfect and still is. No more problems.



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