Chapter 20: Finding Her

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Sarah's POV

After Kiaan and I went to bed, I dreamed about Claire. That she was here. In this world. The dream felt real.

She was fighting with them. Against me. She was trying to kill me. I woke up, in the middle of the night, in fright. My head still hurt from yesterday. It was still dark out, so I went to the main room.

As I walked down, I heard a faint panting noise, coming from the entrance. I turned towards the noise and saw Ira, sitting at the entrance. She turned her head and ran to me.

She grasped my leg and held on to it. "Ira. What's wrong?", I asked her, shaking her off. Ira looked at me, tears overflowing in her eyes.

"I had to leave! I couldn't stay! He abuses me! He doesn't care about me!", she sobbed, reattaching herself to my leg. I quickly led her to a spot in the main room for her to calm down. She quickly fell asleep leaving me alone.

I went on a walk to sort out my thoughts. As I was walking, a saw an unfamiliar tiger wondering around. I decided to go help her. She noticed me right away, making my eyes glow.

The strangers eyes started glowing too. She was hesitant to approach me, but she did. I looked into its eyes and knew who she was immediately. Then, I knew my dream was real.

"Claire?", I asked, with all hope it was her. She stared at me with hope in her eyes,"Sarah?" Our eyes lit up like Christmas Trees. I tackled her and licked her face. She giggled underneath my weight, causing me to laugh.

"What are you doing here?", I asked her, with a big smile on my face. She sighed,"It's a long story." I let her up and we continued walking. She told me her whole story, telling me about Sher Khan, Eva, and Rohan.

I told her my story, including Bagheera, finding my family, and Kiaan. At that point, I realized something. Soon enough, I was going to be fighting her. We devised a plan so that we wouldn't have to fight each other or our mates.

The sun started to rise and we said goodbye. Our plan was already in place by the time I got home. I climbed up the tree and our branch. Kiaan was still sleeping, so I decided to wake him up. I crouched down to whisper in his ear,"Kiaan. Wake up."

He groaned and rolled on his side. I laughed and playfully bit his ear. He grunted and opened his eyes, "Morning, princess." He licked my cheek and I smiled. He started getting up and I started walking down to the main room. As I was walking, I heard a growl and was tackled.

Kiaan pinned my shoulders down and licked my face. I giggled and licked him back. He connected his nose with mine and started purring. Now our plan was in full motion.

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