Chapter 1

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John felt strangely special that day. Even though his best friend; Alexander Hamilton was leaving him. He'd decided to spend what was perhaps his last day in America with him. John Laurens. Out of everyone. He'd chosen him to spend his last day with. And that made John feel special. He'd always liked Alex. They got along well. They always had. They were inseparable. Well that is until Alex had to leave. He just tried to push it away and have as much fun with him as he could.

Alex couldn't have imagined spending his last days in America with someone else. He had always been close to John. He struggled to make friends. In all honesty he was better at making enemies. But John. He was different. They instantly clicked. Something told him it was fate. But fate seemed to now want to tear them apart. Because he had to move to Nevis. Who's even heard is Nevis? Alex isn't even 100% sure where it is! He just knows its not near. And to his dismay he may never see John again.

They'd gone and played together near the top of a hill with a pretty cherry tree on top. That was their spot. That's why no one went there. They knew it was their's so they should stay away! They'd lay together and watch the clouds in the sky passing over head. John had found it funny when some of the wind had blown leaves off the cherry tree. Because one got stuck in Alexander's mouth. He'd spat it out immediately and complained about the taste that was left.

Alex told John thought they should head back shortly after that. So they could say goodbye to their other friends. Like Lafayette and Mulligan. John had been surprised when Alexander had held his hand the whole way back. He's not implying he didn't like it. He just wasn't expecting it. He wished that would happen again.

By then end of it the friends were in tears. Alex's mum had come to get him sooner than expected. She wouldn't say why exactly. But apparently his dad was getting impatient and wanted to get going. Maybe he just hated the states and wanted to live on a small isolated island in the middle of nowhere instead. Who knew?

That was 15 years ago now. And Alexander had to admit, ever since he'd left America, his life turned into a living hell! About year after they moved there father announced he hated the family and never wanted to see them again. And they were a waste of money. He left. Alex thought he went back to America but he wasn't sure. All he was sure about was he never wanted to see his face again! About 7 years after that him and his mother got sick. Alex was able to survive, but his mother, she went quick. After that him and his brother moved in with their cousin, but it wasn't long until he committed suicide. And he got split up from bother. He hadn't seen James since. He hated that. Everyone was gone. And this wasn't even the worst of it. There was a hurricane that destroyed the small town he now lives in. And now he had even less of little he had. Most of his hope was gone. The only thing that kept him going was the thought, if he got through this. If he didn't throw away his shot. He may be able see John again. And he could be happy.

But John's end of the stick wasn't particularly better. His mother had died not long after Alex left. After that his dad was never the same. He was almost always drunk and John found himself looking after his siblings. He then eventually found he was Gay. And that seemed to make his father snap. John was just waiting to get out of that hell hole and to college were he can live with someone hopefully better than his father. If he's lucky he'll end up with Hercules or Lafayette. Every so often he'd remember Alex. He hoped he was having a better life than him. And that he'd see him again. But he highly doubted that. After all it had been so many years! Little did he know. Alex was just about to write what will soon get him to America. And back to his John.

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