Chapter 19

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Henry was hurt too. Henry as in John's Dad. He knew John was lying and it hurt. He never meant to hurt John, but he got drunk and did. He couldn't stop himself from doing it. And Henry hated the fact he was too stuck up to get help for it. And that made him hurt John. And it hurt Henry that John felt the need to lie to him, that his son didn't trust him.

He'd gone to New York. To find John and see if he was lying, which he was. And that really hurt Henry. And he hated himself for it. He got drunk again. And that made him do something even more stupid. But now Henry was on the breaking point, and this act made him lose it all. And now he was just stuck like this..... that's he saw it anyway.... and that's how John saw it too. That's how he'd seen it from the start.

Meanwhile Peggy was sitting on the floor trying to calm down Alex. "Alex. Alex it's okay. What's wrong?" She'd asked when his crying had ceased a little.
"I failed him Peggy.... I failed him too...."
"Alex what do you mean?" Peggy was getting more concerned.
"Did you get in a fight Alex?"
He nodded slowly. "Well come on then. I'm not gonna let you sit here and mope around. We're gonna go find John and your gonna make up. Okay?" Peggy stood up and offered Alex a hand up. He took it and she led him out the dorm. Her question to Alex would have to wait..... he clearly needed more helping than her right now.

But to this day Peggy still couldn't decide if this was a good idea or not. On the one hand she had helped John and Alex, but on the other hand Alex wouldn't have been hurt and they wouldn't be in as much mess as they are now. They wouldn't be England either. Why were they there and what happened you ask? Well let's find out....

Peggy and Alex had gone down an alley way cause that was obviously the smartest thing to do. But Peggy was sure John would be around that part of the city. And in that part of the city he was. Unconscious.

He was unconscious because of Henry, who had once again took out his anger and sorrow on John. And this clearly made the pair panic.

"What did you do?" Alex asked his voice filled with unwavering Alex anger. When the figure turned round to face them, their eyes looked. And it was that moment they both realised they'd known each over in what felt like another time. That was Henry Laurens, John's Dad. He'd hurt John. His John. And this made Alex even more mad. And it made him think of his Dad too. But he pushed it away. All that mattered right now was keeping John and Peggy safe from Henry!

And Henry was just as mad. He'd never like Alex. Mostly because of his Dad. James and Henry despised each over as much as Alex and Jefferson despised each over, so it came natural that they hated each over sons. And aggravated them that they got on so well. But back then they were happy, and had people who could keep their emotions at bay. People who loved them. But now. Now they had no one to do that. And now they were both as broken as each over....

"What are you doing?" Henry spat back at Alex.
"Stopping you from doing anything else to my John!"
"What about her?" Henry said, "what's the little Schyuler doing here?" Peggy sorta just stood there. Trying to take in what was going on.
"She was helping me find him!"
"So is she less important that 'your John?'"
"Leave her alone Henry! She hasn't done anything wrong!"
Henry smirked and ignored him going for Peggy.
"Peggy run!" Alex had yelled at her, and before she knew what she was doing, she had obeyed him. She ran as fast as she could away from them and dialled 911. She began to cry. Because she didn't know what do. She felt so bad she could have helped. She could have done something. Where they even ok? Where..... where they dead? No. Peggy thought. No they can't be dead they can't be. If they died Peggy would never forgive herself. But..... but why did Alex save her....? There were so many thoughts she couldn't comprehend rushing through her head. Someone must have recognised her though because at some point Eliza and Maria turned up.

This made Peggy feel worse because they were supposed be having a date and that's why Peggy wanted to talk to Alex because she loved Maria too..... "Peggy what on Earth happened? Are you ok? We got a call from the police? They said something happened but you were short on details. They were investigating. They said you looked shaken up and called us." Eliza noticed Peggy wasn't looking at her but behind and she'd sort of just froze. So Eliza turned round and saw why she looked so horrified. Alex and John where both being taken into the ambulance she'd called for too. They took John in then had to wait for another to put Alex in, as there was only the one. And John looked a lot worse that Alex. That wasn't to say Alex wasn't bad.

Peggy began to cry again and Eliza had to fight back tears. "I swear to God Peggy. Whoever did this is going to pay!" But that's why things are getting just a little bit worse.....

Ugh! This chapter was hard to write so sorry if it sucks! Also you don't know how hard I found it not to write 'they're gonna have a bad time.' XD. Anyway enjoy the feels!

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