Chapter 8

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"Come on losen up!" John nudged Alex from the back as Angie drove to the party. Seeing it was at her house she offered to take them so there wouldn't have to be a designated driver. Though Alex still wasn't fully into this whole idea. "Yeah common mon ami!" Laf chirped. "Party's are supposed so be fun. Not stressful!"
"Well maybe if you stopped yelling he could relax a little. You can't just force someone to relax. Let it grow on him in his own time." Angie said. Though Alex didn't admit it what she'd said was true. "Well we're here." The car stopped and John dragged Alex out the car, eager for some fun with his friend. It's not that Alex wasn't fun. He was just always working. Though sometimes John found found it cute.

Angie told the others she was going to find her sisters and they eventually lost Herc and Laf in the crowd. John let go of him to get drinks and they sat down. After about an hour, the two had spent most of the time talking. Alex hadn't had much to drink so he was alright. Though he wasn't sure how much John had, except he was definitely drunk. Alex watched as some guy stood up on a table and started talking trash. So Alex went up there too to show him who's boss. Which mostly involved him yelling at Seabury and he then pushed him off the table. He wasn't even that drunk, so it was pretty normal for Alex. But everyone else assumed both were drunk out of their minds. John watched the scene from his chair and cheered at Alex in all his drunken glory.

Alex sat back down and finished off his drink and John was still staring at Alex like a puppy. "You have nice eyes." He said still staring at Alex. Like a puppy. Alex chuckled slightly.
"John how much have you had to drink?"
"Hmm." He started counting on his fingers. "1...7...3..." Alex laughed again.
"John that's not how you count to 10." He looked up from his fingers.
"Yeah it is! 1,7,3,4,5,6,2,8,9,10." He argued. Alex shook his head.
"Well however much you had to drink it's too much. I'll take you home." He said standing up.
"Aw." John complained like a toddler. Alex was able to drag him out though.

Alex unlocked the door to his dorm seeing as neither John nor Alex saw their friends, he assumed they were in John's door. And he didn't want to take the chance of walking on them. You know. "You can sleep in Herc's bed. I'm sure he won't mind." He told John. John folded his arms.
"But I wanted to sleep with you!"
"What?" Alex asked surprised.
"I love you Lexi!" He said still sounding like a child. "John your drunk. You probably don't. But if you do then tell me when your sober." Alex replied chucking him a bottle and telling him to sleep.

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