Chapter 9

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John woke up in the morning with a bad headache. How much did he have to drink last night? He groaned rolling over. Wait. Was he in Herc's room? He opened the door to find that he wasn't in his dorm. Odd. His head started to hurt again so he slumped on the sofa. He heard snoring from the other room and assumed it was Alex. Who else would be in there? Well he probably shouldn't be here. But that's besides the point. John's head hurt and he didn't know where the pain killers were. Great. He couldn't really wake Alex up either so he was stuck. Yay.

John ended up falling asleep and woke up to see Alex just outside his bedroom door. "Oh. Hi Alex." John smiled, trying and falling to get another headache.
"Morning John." He yawned back.
"Hey Alex. Can I have some pain killers? I have a really bad headache."
"Yeah sure and I'm not surprised. You were so drunk last night!" He disappeared into the bathroom and came back to chuck something at John.
"I surely wasn't that drunk." He said though he didn't even remember what happened last night. "John you forgot how to count to 10. I think that's being pretty drunk." And you told me you loved me. Alex added to himself. There was no way John was telling the truth. Was there?

"Well to be fair I have no idea what happened yesterday. So you wanna tell me?"
"Well." Alex said drawing it out. "We sat and spoke to each over most the night. I also fought with this guy Seabury and you forgot how to count. And I got a cab to take us home."
"So why did you bring me in your dorm?" He asked. Not that he minded. He could spend more time with Alex. Wait did he just think that? Heh. He probably just wants to catch up. They haven't seen each over in ages. Yeah that's it catch up. "Oh. That. I forgot to mention. I hadn't seen Herc or Laf on my way out and the chances they were in your dorm. I didn't want to take any chances walking in on them. So I let you sleep here instead." He replied.
"Good call." John agreed.

Alex proceeded to make them both coffee. "So you have any plans for today?" Alex asked quizzically.
"I was gonna go see the Schuyler's. You can tag along if you like." John replied.
"Ok. Sure." He replied sounding keen. He must've missed them too. He sent the Schuyler's quick text to tell them and they were pleased Alex was getting out the house again. That boy needed to get more sunlight and do less work. He'll be worse when he actually has a job. John thought shivering lightly at the thought. Alex was somehow already a workaholic. So he couldn't imagine how bad he would get. If it's possible to get worse. After the two finished their drinks they hung around at Alex's apartment until they were too meet the sisters. They were gonna go to the local coffee shop and possibly the park. John was looking forward to it and so was Alex. Though he wasn't completely comfortable after what he had heard John say last night. He didn't remember and was probably joking. Yet, Alex couldn't stop thinking about. What if he wasn't joking? What if John loved him too? And then Alex blushed. He'd just admitted he loved John. After accusing himself. Well that makes it worse. Today is going to be a long day full of distractions. Alex sighed to himself.

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