Chapter 17

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Alex was alone and bored out of his mind! It was a few days after John's birthday, and John was currently out doing something, but Alex forgot what it was. He just hopes he gets back soon before Alex dies alone on the couch. Of boredom. But little did Alex know, his day was about to get a tad bit more interesting.

There was a knock at the door. Alex let out a loud sigh and got up. I swear if John's knocking on the door to our dorm again I'll kill him! Alex thought, but he wasn't greeted by John. Instead he was greeted by a girl who looked around 16. Alex was slightly intimidated by the fact she was nearly as tall as him, but he didn't let it show.

"Who are you? And what are doing at the door of my dorm?" Alex asked. "With kids?" He added as he saw 3 kids running around the hall.
"I was looking for John. We thought he was a couple of doors down, but John's friend told us they'd swapped for reasons that he couldn't discuss in front of them." She gestured towards the kids in the hall.
"And you want to see John why?"
"Oh. Sorry. I'm Martha. John sister. We thought we'd come surprise him for his birthday, but we couldn't get train tickets down any sooner than this. You must be Alex. Right?" Martha offered out her hand.
"Yeah...." he said taking her hand, though he was slightly suspicious.
"So is John in or....?"
"No he's out but I forgot what he's doing."
"Can we come in then?"
"Fine. But don't expect me to play with the kids."

Martha was intrigued at how difficult Alex was being. Martha thought it may be because they were here, but why would that upset him? She'd talk to John when he gets back. He might know what's up. Martha called the rest in and walked into the kitchen. She put the kettle on as Alex slumped onto the sofa.

James was holding Mary's hand and he walked up to Martha. "What's going on?" He asked quietly his voice nervous. "Oh. Ha. Sorry James I forgot to explain what's going on didn't I? Henry come here!" Henry plied his eyes away from and walked over to his sister. He'd been watching Alex curiously before hand. He seemed more confident than his brother....

"That's Alex." Martha said. "But John isn't home yet."
"You mean John's secret boyfriend?" Henry asked. Secret? Wait what? Alex was about to ask Martha what the heck this child was talking about when she gave him a look saying 'I'll deal with you in a minuet let me deal with the kids cause they come first!' So Alex didn't say anything.

"Yes." She replied. "But remember John might not be too happy you know. Remember that ok? Now I need to talk to Alex for a second." Martha walked out the kitchen and grabbed Alex by the sleeve making him jump a bit. Mostly cause he was sitting down and she basically dragged him of the couch. "Don't touch anything of mine! I don't care what you do to John's stuff, as long as you leave mine alone!" Alex called out them. He was still being difficult.

"So what's all this 'secret boyfriend' stuff huh?" Alex asked as he got dragged into his room.
"I didn't think John would have told you."
"Told me what?"
Martha sighed. "He had some issues with his Dad in the past about being him not being straight. And now he feels like the best way to deal with it is lying. Now don't get me wrong we did actually want to see John for his birthday, but I wanted to talk to you about this too. He's sure this is the right thing to do and I thought maybe you could talk to him about it? I know that's a lot to ask of you.... but I don't want this to escalate more than it needs too.... and he wouldn't listen to me.... so could you just try.... please.... for John?"
"Of course." Martha was surprised at Alex's response. She didn't expect him to agree so quickly. Especially when he was being so difficult before. "I know what it's like. My Dad wasn't the best Dad either." Alex twiddled his thumbs nervously like John had done.
"I wasn't meant tell them or you about it. So if I just say I had to tell them for convince. Can you talk to him later maybe....?"
"Sure...." Alex replied.
"Talking of John I might go find him so we're not waiting. Can you manage the kids?"
"I'll live." Alex replied bluntly. But if he was being honest he didn't want to deal with the kids. Especially James. But they were John's family. And technically his so he agreed anyway. I'll be fine. He told himself. It's not for long anyway. Just a couple of hours at most.

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