Chapter 5

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John was a lot happier now Alex was back. He'd always missed since he left for Nevis. They were always sort of drawn to each over, if you will. Their fates intertwined. But John didn't love him. Now that would be ridiculous. Besides he agreed not to fall for anyone. It would make life a lot easier.

Though seeing as Laf was out and he didn't have much to do. He decided he wanted to see Alex right now.

John: hey Alex. You want to go out for coffee?

Alex: yeah sure. See you in 30?

John: ok see you.

John got ready in about 15 minuets and it took him about ten to get there, so he was early. He ordered his coffee and sat down at a table. Luckily it didn't take too long for Alex to arrive.

He spotted John looking slightly dumbfounded. John snickered a bit at that. "Sorry did I keep you waiting?" Alex asked.
"No. no. Your fine. I was early." He replied Alex now chuckling with him.
"Oh. Eager to see me huh?"
"Yeah." He laughed after him. After a few minuets Alex came back with his coffee.

"So how are you?" Alex asked sipping his coffee. "Good. Good. You?"
"Alright." Alex shrugged in response. The two then fell into a comfortable silence. This caused them to both take each over in without really realising it. Because no matter how much they denied it, these men were Gay for each over. And they could do nothing about it. Because there's a reason your sitting here and reading this so yeah.

"Hey you wanna watch something at mine?" John asked after a while.
"Yeah." Alex replied. They walked back to the dorms together, taking in the sights of the city.

"Wow this so much nicer than Nevis." Alex muttered under his breath.
"What?" John asked not catching much.
"Nothing." He replied. Alex didn't want to talk about Nevis. He'd lied and said it was fine. Besides it was his past and his problem.

After watching 2 movies with John, Alex headed back to his dorm. He unlocked the door and saw that whenever Herc came back, he'd left the TV on. Well that was a waste of electricity. He went to look for the remote when he heard the guy on the TV. "Storms will be heading to New York soon. *more geographical stuff.*" Alex let out a half groan half whine. He hated storms and he hated someone seeing him in a storm. And the clouds were already begging to darken. Great.

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