Chapter 2

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Alex walked around New York, and he was kinda lost. Hey! New York is big place! And he hasn't been here for so long. Gee it would help if he wasn't alone. He was always alone. He took out the phone he'd been given to see if he could get directions to the college he'd been sent too. King's collage. There were about three days before school started but he thought he may as well move in seeing as he had no where else to be. He had to admit the phone wasn't the best, but I was better than nothing.

He got there surprisingly quickly and he checked his room. He'd been sent the keys along with the details. He guessed they didn't want to deal with him. But who would? He unlocked the room and noticed his there was a living room on the right side, a kitchen on the left and two separate bedrooms. Alex sighed. This wasn't too bad. It quite nice actually. He just couldn't believe he was here again. He picked the left bedroom and sorted what little belongs he had into the room.

After a while he realised he should probably sort out some form of money. He knew he'd be getting a bit of support for the next month. But not much and he better be prepared than leave it to the last minute. He decided he'd go get coffee and use the wifi there to look for jobs. He shoved his also bad computer into his bag and made sure he had enough money. He just had to keep reminding himself, even though he seemed at a bad place, it could only get better. Right?

John let out a sigh of relief as he stood at the door of King's college. He had finally convinced his Dad to let him move to New York. He wanted to get there early to get away from his Dad as soon as he could. Three days early was better than nothing though.

He put his box full of belongings down and checked his room number. He then preceded to haul his stuff up 2 flights of stairs. As he walked across the corridors he didn't see the small boy that was about to walk into him. Partly because of the box blocking his vision and the boys size but he mustn't of been looking were he was going either. They both fell to the floor and John heard a few of his belongings fall out the box. Great, he thought, just great.

The boy shot up and quickly offered a hand out to him, "oh my gosh I'm so sorry! Are you ok? I wasn't looking where I was going!" John was sure he'd heard this boys voice before. But he was probably being obsured. Right? John took his hand shaking his head. "It's ok. I couldn't really see anyway. I guess I didn't expect anyone else be here this early." The boy seemed awkward at this comment but he ended up laughing. He then began to pick up the scattered pieces off John's belongs and paused at something in piticulaur. He shook his head and carried on then handing back the box. "Thanks." He said taking it.
"My names John."
"Alex. Well it's nice to meet you John. I hope I'll se you around."
"Yeah and you." Both boys shook away the what they'd both thought was impossible. Seeing there childhood friends. It was obvious but both had given up hope. That's why we thank the existence of Peggy Schuyler.

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