Chapter 18

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It had been a few days she John's siblings were here and Alex didn't want to amit it but he had fun. He was glad they'd come. Even if he'd had a bad dream. He now had Mary's Magic Fairy to fix that. "Why did Mary give you that again?" John had asked.
"I had a bad dream." Alex had told him, "apparenty Magic Faries fix all your problems!" John had chuckled at that, and as a result there was now a Magic Fairy on their wall. But would it really be able to solve the sorrow that's bound to follow? No? Okay. Well that's settled then.

"Hey Alex?" John asked, "can I ask you something?"
"Sure." Alex replied.
"Do you promise to answer truthfully?"
"Of course." Alex replied getting slightly nervous.
"Martha said the over the day you were acting quite difficult, but you seemed upset, and then you had that bad dream.... So are you ok?"
"If I answer this. Can I get you to something for me?"
"Ok..." John was now sucpicous himself.
Alex sighed. "I had a bad dream about the hurricane... A-and my brother... James..."
"You had a brother?!" John asked
"Yeah... He was born in Nevis though.... I haven't seen him since we got split up after the hurricane...."
"Sorry..." John replied. Alex shook his head.

"Anyway! Now you have something to do for me!" Alex said recovering quickly, though he still seemed nervous.
"Yeah what did you want?" Alex hesitated a bit. He didn't know how John would react. He hadn't seemed happy that Martha had told his siblings, but he didn't say anything because he didn't argue in front of them. Alex could tell. So how would he react to Alex knowing? There was no one else here for him to want to spare. Would he flip? Alex didn't know.... he took a deep breath. There was no going back now.

"John. Martha spoke to me too. About your Dad. She told me about the fact your lying John. And.... and she asked me if I can try to get you stop. Because she couldn't and she really cares about you and she doesn't want you to get hurt John.... and I hate to say I agree with her John. I know from experience this won't work.... so can we please just talk about this?"
John didn't say anything.....

"John. Are you ok?" Alex said reaching for his shoulder.
"No!" John suddenly snapped.
"John I-"
"Martha shouldn't even have told them! But to top it off she told you too! Gee she may as well have just told Henry I was lying too!"
"John she thought it was the right thing to do. You shouldn't be up set at her." I'm sorry I thought I was doing the right thing! "Please John, if your gonna be mad at anyone be mad at me not her..." I'm sorry.... I didn't mean to be failure.... that's just what I am right....?
"Ok fine! I'll listen to you! Cause clearly should!"
"John I just don't want you to hurt her if you don't need too....." shut up and listen to yourself for a second!
"Well I hurt Alex! I hurt!"
"I know John. But I just wanted to try and help you! And.... and so did Martha...." You won't leave you like they did.....?
"I don't need your help!" I promise..... "this is none of your business Alex! And for the record I don't care what either of you think!" I promise I'll always be their for you.....
"Ok John. Then I'm sorry I suggested it. Now can you please calm down!" I failed him.... and now I'm failing John too... such a failure... he was right....
"Calm down?! Calm down?! Are you listening to yourself Alex! Just leave me alone!" Your just another useless immigrant. You should of stayed in the Caribbean. You weren't even wanted there so what made you think coming here would change that.....?
"John I'm sorry!" Was he right.....?
"It's too late for that Alex. I'm leaving." He was right....

"John-" The door was slammed. "John I'm sorry." Alex couldn't keep it in anymore. "I'm sorry John." He was crying on the floor. "I'm sorry." He just kept muttering to himself on the floor. "Please don't leave me John.... not like they did," his voice hitched. I promise. I promise I'll always be there for you.... but I'm not.... But that's for the best isn't it.....

Someone had opened the door.....

I don't have much to say over than Flowey got distracting and wrote part of this on the computer which was hard. I hope I didn't break you hearts. And that you enjoyed as always.

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