Chapter 12

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"Hey Alex." John said walking up to Alex.
"Hi John." Alex said obviously not paying attention. Writing as always.
"Soooo. I was wondering. Seeing as you love me all . I thought we should go out." Surprisingly he shut his computer.
"Ok sell me." He said leaning in his chair.
"Well I checked the weather and everything, it's going to be a really nice night tonight. So I thought we could go out to a fancy restaurant."
"Fancy huh?" He said leaning back on his chair, trying to be impressive. But he ended up falling off the chair and John burst out laughing, meanwhile Alex glared at him unimpressed.

"Ok fine. Satisfy me." John chuckled at Alex's childish behaviour. He grabbed his hand and led him outside where John hailed a cab. The restaurant wasn't that far away so they didn't have to wait long in the cab. However when they got there the restaurant was fairly packed, so the food took a bit longer.

John and Alex spent most of the time talking, telling each over stories and getting to know each over better. The pair had a great time and Alex was glad he'd agreed. John was just glad Alex finally got his head out of his darn computer and had some fun. And there was no better person to have fun with than John. Well that's what John thought anyway. Alex just found John too adorable and cute to say no to.

However on the way back it was Alex's turn to do the convincing. He was able to get John to agree they should walk home. "Even though it's pretty much pitch black," Alex had said. "Just look around its a beautiful night and we may see some stars, and you complain that I don't get out enough! So let's just walk!" John knew from experience that this generally meant if he didn't agree he would get ranted for the next half an hour so agreed. Alex just didn't tell John this meant he would probably use walking home as an excuse to work later..... he didn't need to know the master plan.... but in all fairness Alex did actually want to walk home with John. He looked cuter in the dark. If that's even possible anyway.

Alex was about to put this point through to John when his phone rang. John jumped slightly at the sound and picked it up. He looked at who it was as Alex tried and failed to see so asked John instead. He'd noticed how John didn't seem practically happy at whoever was calling. John just told Alex to 'be quiet' which he didn't appreciate much, but let it slide. He knew John was upset and that whatever, well whoever had upset him Alex should be more annoyed at.

Alex was still being noisy though so listened to what John was saying. "Hi..." he said though he was slightly cut. "No. Of course I haven't." He said sounding slightly nervous. "What? When?" Was what he heard John say next. This was just making Alex more curious. But what he didn't know was John didn't plan on telling him a thing. "I don't know... see it would just be complicated and awkward." John said sounding much like he was coming up with this argument on the fly. "So. How about I come down instead? I'm sure it would be a lot easier! And it would save you the journey!" He continued. "No of course that's not why! I would like to see my siblings too! That's the main reason." When whoever John had been talking to agreed he couldn't help but notice John relax a little. "Ok. Thank see you later." John flinched slightly at the response and put his phone back in his pocket once they'd hang up.

"Who was that?" Alex asked letting his curiosity get to him. "Oh. I'm going back down to South Carolina next week to see my family. They want to know how I'm getting on." John partially lied. Alex nodded. He was feeling slightly suspicious of John but pushed the thoughts away telling himself it was silly. So they silently walked back most of the way home, looking at the beautiful silhouettes the moon was painting on New York City!

And there we go it's finally done! Sorry it took so long I've had writers block for this part and found it difficult to write and it probably still sucks but I hope you enjoyed it anyway. And also thank for the support guys. See you in the next chapter.

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