Chapter 13

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The truth is that was Henry. Henry Laurens. John would say his dad.... but he'd kinda disowned him. That's were his lie to Alexander came in. It wasn't exactly a lie, but it wasn't exactly true either. So he decided to review the plan in his head. Though it was like 1:00 in the morning now and even Alex had decided to go to sleep.

So Henry wanted too know if John was dating any girls yet, which obviously he wasn't but he had that bit figured. Originally Henry had said he'd be coming down, but John easily made excuses as why he shouldn't come down. Instead he offered for him to go back to down to South Carolina were he could get away with it way easier. It being lying. He was planning to lie and tell Henry he was dating a girl. A girl named Alexandra. Then he could just tell Henry about what he's done with Alex, without getting killed! Besides he could see his siblings. He hadn't been away long but it sure felt like it.

John just stayed up that night. Thinking it all through. He'd convinced himself the plan was flawless. So much in fact that he failed to see it wasn't. There were many errors and downsides to this plan. But John just couldn't see it.

That was the biggest problem. John wouldn't tell anyone. Nobody knew. He'd built a barrier around his home life and he wouldn't let it break. Which wasn't really helping anybody. But John would find that out later.... hopefully not too late.....

Hey guys look this is actually a chapter,(that probably sucks)! Sorry about Owl's tapering -.-. Anyway I just wanted to say if I haven't thanked you for adding this book to your reading list then thank you! I normally do but my Wattpad hasn't let me do it with a few people now so if that's you then I just wanted to let you know it's appreciated.
WOL out.

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