Chapter 7

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Peggy opened the door to Herc and Alex's dorm. She was going to see if they were in, so she could ask if they could come to the party her sisters were holding. By THEY she meant John and Alex though. Because he'd looking for him, so they were most likely together. And the door was open so she let herself in. What harm could that really do. She was pretty sure she heard them from Alex's bedroom. That door was unlocked too. So she let herself in again. Though she was confused when she couldn't find them. She turned to were their voices were coming from. Where they in the closet....?

She opened the door and long and behold, they were in the closet. The two turned slightly surprised, meeting Peggy's confused face. "What you doing here?" John asked.
"What are you doing in the closet?" Peggy countered. John glanced at Alex who gave him some sort of expression. They seemed to be talking without moving their mouths. "I'm afraid of storms." Alex said bluntly, after their face talk.
"Oh ok. I was just popping in to see if you can come to the party we're having." John seemed pleased by the idea. Alex not so much.

"Sure Pegs. When is it?" He asked.
"Friday." She replied.
"Your house?" John asked again.
"Well duh. Where else would it be?" Peggy said back.
"Oh yeah." John laughed.
"What about you Alex?" Peggy asked.
"Well.... I have a lot of school work...." Alex said thoughtfully.
"Oh come on! That's all you do! Have some fun with us! You deserve a break!" John argued desperately. "Yeah come on Alex!" Peggy joined in.
"Ok ok fine. But only because you want me too." He finally gave up knowing there was no point in arguing. Those two were stubborn people when they wanted to be. "Yay!" John said.
"So it's settled. I'll go tell the sisters and find Herc and Laf." Peggy headed for the door.
"Just knock first and make sure not making out in our apartment!" John called after her exaggerating it slightly.
"Ok." She laughed closing the door. Alex and John decided to watch a movie after that.

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