Chapter 16

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Today was October the 28th. John's birthday. It had been a month since he had gone to see his family and things had been going smoothly since. Well apart from the fights Alex seemed to constantly get in with Thomas Jefferson. Those two really seemed to hate each over. But so did he. He just didn't want Alex to get hurt.

Anyway, back to the fact it was John's birthday! The sisters had come up with the idea for a party and the guys had helped too. John didn't know what the party was however. It was a surprise. And his friends had planed it so well! John barely had a clue what was going on!

Before they left to meet up with the sisters, Herc and Laf, John had to convince Alex what he was wearing definitely wasn't warm enough. Now that the weather was continuing to get colder, Alex had been struggling. It was so warm in Nevis and John had discovered, due to this fact, he got cold pretty easily. Not the Alex would admit this. That's why John had to convince him to put warmer clothes on! Alex was really stubborn. Apparently he'd only agreed cause it was John's birthday. John still thought he was cold, but that was the best he could do. Luckily John Laurens always comes prepared!

Angelica was driving them too wherever, and when they got to the Schuyler Mansion everybody was already there.

"Happy birthday mon ami!" Laf yelled flinging himself at John. John stumbled back a little and he heard a few of his friends chuckle behind him. Laf really was excited. "Thanks Laf. But you can stop hugging me now. I'm sure we have somewhere to be." Laf let go and grabbed John's hand. "Of course mon ami! Your surprise can't wait forever!" Laf basically dragged John into the car and everyone else got in too. Luckily they all fit in Angie's car. Alex and John sat in the boot, Laf, Herc and Peggy in the back and Eliza and Angie were in the front.

John had to admit his impatience was starting to ebb away and form into excitement. There weren't really windows in the back either so John had no clues as to were they where! But eventually the car stopped.

"Are we here?" John asked.
"Yes mon ami," Laf chirped, "but you still can't look. Close your eyes." John let out a load groan of protest. He just wanted to know already! "Come on John! You'll love it! Just a little more time! We're in the parking lot so it won't be long!" John finally ended up agreeing and after a bit of blindly walking he heard Angie say, "open up."

This better be good! John thought. And he opened his eyes. They were at an ice rink. John gasped. He hadn't been here since his mum was still alive. He turned round. "Angie! You didn't have to-"
"Yes we did! We know you love it here and you deserve it so suck it up John!"
"Plus Angie agreed that if any of us die she'll pay for our funeral." Alex added whilst Angelica glared at him for the statement. Peggy just laughed. John was now just as excited as Laf, which was like an excited child.

Alex on the other hand was slightly nervous. He knew everyone else bar him had been skating before. Plus it was freezing! But this was for John. Alex reminded himself, besides he could always sit out. But before he had the option to do that John had dragged him onto the rink. Alex squeaked in surprise and fell on his butt. "Ow." He mumbled.

John look down at Alex. "... you okay...?" He asked. "John," he stated, "I don't know how to skate!"
"Oops. Sorry Lex! I forgot I was so excited!" He helped Alex up stand up and the kept him from falling over again.
"My butts wet....." Alex replied. John chuckled and took him closer to the edge.
"Come on I'll teach you!"

So John spent his time teaching him how to skate with occasional check from one of their friends. To John's surprise Alex was actually starting to pick it up pretty quick. He wasn't too confident but John was working on it.

"Your cold aren't you?" John asked after about 20 minutes.
"No." Alex replied.
"I told you to wear something warmer."
"This is warmer than what I was wearing." Alex argued back at John like a 5 year old.
"Luckily I'm the most amazing boyfriend who foresaw something like this happening, and came prepared. Wait there I'll be back in a sec." Alex looked like a frightened 5 year old now too and he'd started to clutch to ledge like a life a line. But if John was being honest he found it kinda cute.

He skated out of the ring to the area were he left his bag, struggling to walk on solid ground with the skates. He grabbed the spare jacket he'd brought and hoped back in, and skated so he was on the opposite side he'd left Alex. Alex gave him a quizzical look. "If you want the coat then you need to come over." John called over to him smugly. Alex gave him an irritated look.
"I don't want the coat." He pouted.
"Ok then. Have fun then. In the corner. Alone." John was about to turn round when Alex went
"no!" And John smiled smugly.
"Come over here then."  Alex was about to move holding onto the ledge when John added.
"If you use the ledge and your not falling I'll leave anyway." And eventually Alex made it. John handed him the coat which he grumpily put on.

"Aw. Come on. Lighten up Lex. You did it! Didn't you?"
"Yeah but I didn't want too!" He grumbled still acting like a 5 year old.
"But you did. Also Alex do you know cute you look when your grumpy like that?" Alex looked at John blushing lightly and John leaned in when.....

He heard Herc wolf whistle behind him and Peggy yelled, "who sent in the flying Lenny Owl?!"
"I'm gonna kill you two!" Alex yelled at them grabbing John's hand to skate after them, seemingly forgetting his fear.
"Looks like Angie will need to pay for funerals after all." John laughed, however this time as they skated off into the middle Alex didn't fall on his butt. John did.

"Huh! Oh no John are you alright?" Alex said imitating him.
"Ooh I can't skate and my butts wet!" John imitated Alex joining in. Eventually when they'd finished mocking each over Alex helped John back up and they continued to hunt down Peggy and Herc, who luckily didn't die.

Once they'd finished skating they went out to a restaurant and nearly got kicked out multiple times. But they had fun. John had to admit this was probably the best birthday he'd ever had and he was so glad all his friends were together again! But who's to say that happiness will last.......?

I was determined to get this chapter done so here it is! I hope you enjoyed! Also this is what happened when I was drafting this in tutor cause I didn't have my iPad *cough cough* Pastelpancake *cough cough*

I was determined to get this chapter done so here it is! I hope you enjoyed! Also this is what happened when I was drafting this in tutor cause I didn't have my iPad *cough cough* Pastelpancake  *cough cough*

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Also thanks so much for all the votes and views like now all of a sudden it's on 8K!!!! Waaaaaa????? Also thanks for all the comments they never fail to amuse me (^

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Also thanks so much for all the votes and views like now all of a sudden it's on 8K!!!! Waaaaaa????? Also thanks for all the comments they never fail to amuse me (^.^).
~ WOL AWAY!!!! (I broke the bold button).....

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