Chapter 20

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Peggy hadn't been prepared for what happened last time you were here, but nothing could have prepared her for what happened next. John hadn't woken up yet, but that wasn't surprising. He'd lost a lot of blood. But Alex only had a few wounds and had woken up a few days ago and was now being questioned by the police. Because Henry blamed the whole incident on Alex and claimed Alex had attacked John in rage from the argument they had. And the reason Alex got hurt was Henry defending his son. And the police actually believed it.... but so did Eliza and a few of their other friends.

So Peggy was also in the police station due to fact she'd rushed to Alex's defence and she felt like she owed him after what he did. But she couldn't take this anymore. She was going to get them out of here if it's the last thing she did! And luckily for her the police were taking some sort of break.

Peggy burst through the door of the room Alex was being questioned in making him jump. "Alex come on we're leaving!"
"What? Where are we going?"
"It doesn't matter come on." She dragged Alex up making sure not to hurt him in the process. Peggy dragged Alex to her house and announced, "we're going to England before the police catch us. I booked us last minuet tickets."
Alex just looked at her dumbfounded. "But they'll know."
"Ssh Alex trust me. They won't stop us at the borders."
"And how do you expect us to get there?"
"I'm gonna steal Angie's car. I'm sure she'll be cool with it."
"Peggy what the heck?! Where's in enough trouble already! And for something that didn't even happen! You can't even drive, and neither can I!"
"I don't care! Get in the car now!" Peggy aggressively pointed at Angie's care. Alex didn't argue any further. But he did pray he survived the journey to the airport. Luckily he did.

When they got there no one stopped them to Alex's surprise and Peggy enjoyed boasting about it. It was mostly because the people involved hadn't been named yet. They were fine on the boarder to England, but the flight had taken a day. Now in America they'd been named and found out they'd done a runner, but in England the news of the accident had only just spread and it was only a few days later that in England they knew they'd done a runner. But they still didn't who they were. And that's when they hit a slight problem. They had no idea how to get around, no English money and no idea where to stay.

And at this point they'd been in England for a few days and news about the accident had spread, and that apparently Alex had caused it. Alex would have been complaining to Peggy about fact they where lost, tired and wet but he was too scared. Cause as you may have figured, Alex was wet because it was raining.

Peggy was holding his hand dragging him around the empty streets trying find somewhere out of the rain though it was proving to be quite the task. Alex was shivering pretty bad and Peggy knew he was cold and afraid so had help him out. "It's okay Alex. We'll find a way out of this I promise." Peggy told him, though it sounded more like she was trying to convince herself....

"Hey are you ok? You look a bit lost. And wet." A voice said behind. Alex jumped and just stepped behind Peggy once she turned around, obviously not wanting to make human interactions.
"Well. We are lost and wet." Peggy sighed trying not to be rude.
"Don't you have somewhere to stay? Your American too right?"
"No and yes."
"Where you the too involved in that inccident in New York?" They both stiffened and it was obvious because of what the boy said next. "Don't worry if you are I won't tell anyone. I've been reading up about it a lot. I promise. It's not likely you did it anyway judging on what most people have to say on the matter. Like the people who where close to you. Most of them disagreed. So just please let me hear you out at least. Okay?"

Alex seemed reluctant to talk to him but Peggy pointed out they had no over options right now. So they explained the citation to this stranger. And he believed them! He even wanted to help them! "My names John Church." He offered his Peggy hand. "I'll be happy to help!"

So after Church convinced Alex to wear his coat cause he was basically freezing to death, (which took a lot of convincing), Church was taking them back to his apartment and they where discussing a plan of action to keep all of them safe, and out of trouble.

Meanwhile in New York things were going to every part of hell! Everybody had freaked out more than they already where when a policeman showed up at the door to Schyuler mansion saying Peggy and Alex disappeared, and it was at that moment Angie realised her car was missing. And they later found the car at the airport. Everyone was pretty surprised at how the car was unscathed though, cause neither of them could drive. So there was that to add to list. But luckily for them it was only the car they found, because with 3 smart minds Church, Alex and Peggy had come up with a plan. And it was working! Well so far anyway..... they just had to prepared for part 2!

Yay! This chapter is finally done! I hoped you guys enjoyed, and I would have had it up sooner but I kept getting told off for writing instead of doing other things. I'm gonna be writing the rest of this story in the sequel, This Is The Only Way I Can Protect My Legacy so I'll tell you guys when it's up! Hopefully I'll get it done soon. Also I couldn't find any decent photos of John Church which is why there's a lack of description, but from the looks of he has brown hair so I'll go with that. Also I don't care how if this is unlikely this is a fanfic so it works! Anyway bye!!!!!

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