Chapter 3

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Peggy was annoyed school was starting again. That sucked! At least she'd skipped a few grades to stay with her sisters, and of course her friends. That made school bearable. As she walked down the hallways she saw a small boy looking slightly lost. He must be new to. "Hey you ok?" She asked him. "Erm. Yeah." He said sounding slightly awkward. "You wouldn't happen to know where the law building is. Would you?"
"Yeah." She replied giving him directions.
"I'm Peggy by the way."
"Alexander Hamilton. Thanks I appreciate it. I better get going before I miss class." Peggy laughed at how concerned he seemed.
"Alright. I'll leave you too it." She replied heading off to her own classes.

Peggy was talking to John, Hercules and Lafayette at lunch. She wondered where he sisters were. They were late to lunch! Of all things. Geez, she thought, I hope they haven't got into trouble. She zoned back into the conversation and they talking about some people that seemed completely knew. Like people they've never met before. When Peggy began to think of that boy. Alex. "Ha. This morning I saw this boy who needed to be at law. He looked so afraid. Like one wrong move and his head would be bitten off. Alexander Hamilton. That was his name."

What the proceeded to happen confused the heck out of Peggy. The water John had previously been drinking had been spat out his mouth. Hercules was slamming Lafayette's back whilst he chocked. And Peggy just kinda sat there. Not knowing what to do. "Geez. We leave the four of you alone for 10 minuets and we come back to this! What the heck happened? Laf you look like you've suffocated and John you've lost your water." Angie announced Eliza behind her.
"I just said I met a terrified boy named Alexander Hamilton this morning." Peggy replied slightly annoying. Eliza's hand slapped her mouth and Angelica just stared at her. "You mean he said he was called Alexander Hamilton?" John said emphasising Hamilton.
"Yes. Can someone please explain what's going on?" Peggy asked. John got up and left his half eaten lunch. So no I guess not. Peggy sighed. This was going to be a long day of confusion.

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