Chapter 15

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You see none of the others new about the incident John had with their Dad but Martha did. So she knew, and she knew John was lying. So here he was trying to explain what was going on. She'd asked if she could talk to John in private and told Henry to keep an eye on Mary. He had a feeling this made Henry slightly suspicious, but the others didn't really mind. John just prayed he didn't think much of it!

"John. Explain. Now." Martha demanded.
"E-explain what....?" John stuttered.
"Your so called girlfriend John. That's not gonna happen. Nor is it ever."
"I-I don't know what you mean....." John new this wouldn't work, playing dumb, but he was buying time... so he was keeping it up. "John. Don't play dumb. You and I both know you know exactly what I'm talking about!" See. Just buying time. John rocked slightly on his feet and began to twiddle with his fingers.

"Well.... I can't tell Dad..... I don't know what he'd do Martha..... so I-I lied.... I'm sorry.... I just.... I just can't...." John said quietly still interested in his figures. Martha's face softened. She hugged John. "I know John, I know it's hard. And I'm sorry.... but I don't think this is the best way to go about it. Lying. Your gonna have to tell him at some point!" John sighed. He softly agreed with her, but that wasn't the truth either. Right now he couldn't believe that this was right so he didn't. Maybe later he'd consider it. But not now....

Martha had realised this. She could read him like a book. As much as she knew this wasn't right she knew now wasn't the time so she would reason with him later. She cared about John so much. So she just wanted him too see this would ultimately fail. Then hopefully less people would get hurt.

The rest of the time John spent taking with his siblings, and when Henry got back they had dinner, and over all John had a great night as did everyone else. John was upset when he had to head of the next day. But he was excited to see Alex again so that was good.

Martha walked to him to the train station, and they mostly chatted about what John would say to Henry if she convinced him to tell. John still wasn't having any of it though at moment so tried not to let it dampen his mood. After all he couldn't wait to see Alex and he practically spent the whole time like a little hyper child.

Even though this room was John's and Alex's, John felt the need to knock. "Who is it?" Alex had called from his room seeming slightly irritated.
"Who else would it be?" John chuckled. Alex stood up and opened the door.
"John?" He stepped aside.
"Yes?" John said walking into the dorm.
"Why did you knock this room belongs to us?"
"I don't know it just felt appropriate?" To be honest John actually had no idea.
"I thought you were someone who was going to irritate me!" Alex exaggerated slightly.
"Why have you been having trouble?" John asked concerned.
"No. But you know what I'm like when I'm working."
"Your not."
"Well I was but now I'm not because your here. But that's ok because I missed you." Alex lightly pecked him on the cheek. "So. You wanna do something?"

Eventually they agreed on watching Netflix but accidentally ended up watching it until a ridiculous time in the night. John had complained in the morning about the fact if they stayed up that late on a school morning they should have at least done it when they didn't have school in the morning, but Alex had argued that if they were wasting time while having fun then they weren't really wasting time. So off to lessons they went, and they enjoyed another crazy day at school.

So this would have been up a bit earlier today but I was too busy being trash and was procrastinating writing it. But here is the next chapter! And thank you sooooo much for all the reads and stuff cause now this is nearly on 7K. Like seriously when did that happen???? Anyway hope you enjoyed. WOL AWAY!!!!!!

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