Chapter 6

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Alex was heading to his next lesson he shared with Laf when it started to rain. He got scared thinking about the storm that was meant to be coming. He told himself it was probably just a shower and everything would be ok. It wasn't. After a few minutes it got heavier. And then it began to thunder. Terrified Alex forgot about lessons and let his legs take him wherever. He ended up back in his dorm. Huddled up in the closet. Crying to himself as he remembered the hurricane that had destroyed his town. And everything he had left.

John was headed back to his dorm seeing as he didn't have classes for a while, when he got a text from Lafayette.

Lafayette: hey John. Have you see Alex? He wasn't in the class I had with him and Herc hasn't seen him either.

John: No. But I'll check if he's in the dorm. I think I know were the spare key is.

Lafayette: thanks mon ami.

John: no problem.

John tried not worry about Alex. Besides he was probably fine. Though it wasn't like Alex to skip class. John sighed. He was very wet and it was making him cold. That was because it was bucketing down outside. John had run back to the dorm rooms. Luckily they weren't too far away.

John stopped at Alex and Herc's dorm and tried the handle. To John's surprise it was open. "Alex?" John called, though from what he could see it was mostly empty. "Alex?" He called again. Still nothing. He decided to check his room. It was unlocked too. Maybe he wasn't here. He was about to walk out when a loud crash sounded outside and he heard a whimper from the closet. "Alex?" He said slowly opening the door. He was surprised to see Alex curled up in the corner with his head in his knees. Crying.

"Oh my gosh Alex are you ok?" He said hoping into the closet closing the door behind him. Alex didn't say anything, but there was another crash of thunder and Alex practically flung himself at John and continued to cry on him. He rubbed his back. He wasn't sure how long they were in there but eventually the storm passed and John noticed Alex was asleep on him. He decided he'd ask him why he was upset later, he didn't really want to wake up and it was probably best to wait. But he eventually fell asleep himself.

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