Chapter 11

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Alex was going to ask John. They had dropped the sisters and were now heading back to their dorm. He was nervous, but at the same time exited. What if John did mean it? He was really grateful for Angelica's advice. Though at the same time he couldn't help but feel there was something up with her. Should he concerned? Was it something he said? It didn't matter right now. What mattered was John.

"Hey John." Alex said rubbing his arm feeling slightly more awkward.
"Yeah Alex. What is it?" John asked turning to him. He was so cute! Dang it Alex! Concentrate John's waiting!
"Err I wanted to tell you something... about last night."
"Ok." John said now more concerned.
"So. Last night. B-before we slept. You-you basically told me you loved me. I wanted to know... did you really mean that?"

Shat! John thought mentally scolding himself as his brain went to panic mode.
"Yeah." He sputtered.
"I-I do. I j-just hope this doesn't make things weird. I-I'm sorry I just-" John was cut off by Alex's lips against his. He relaxed. After a few seconds the they pulled away. Alex intertwined his fingers with John's. "Luckily for you I feel the same way."
"Thank God I didn't screw up." John sighed in relief. They both chuckled at the remark, and Alex led John to a near by bench. Still holding his hand.

"So." John said.
"So." Alex replied.
"Does this mean I can proudly say the wonderful Alexander Hamilton is my boyfriend?"
"As long as I can say the adorable John Laurens is my boyfriend." John blushed and Alex kept on smiling. "Your just making yourself look cuter." Alex said nudging him.
"Shut up." John replied shoving him back playfully. They smiled getting lost in each overs eyes. Both extremely happy. They were finally together and it turns out Alex was ready to boast. Mostly because of what he sent to the group chat once he finished looking at John.

Alex: hey. Guess who just got the best boyfriend ever!

John: me.

Alex: dang it I was gonna say that once someone asked!

John: :3


Herc: congrats guys


Alex: ok ok.

John: yeah calm down Laf.

So they went out with the guys and grabbed a few beers. It was fun. Both Alex and John where glad they were here. And hoped everything stayed this way. As they both hated were they started. But it was ok now. And that was what made them happy.

Ugh darn pud wifi.

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