WHAT (author freaking out)

1.9K 39 25

ERM THIS HAS 20K!!!!! 20K!!!!! WHAT?!??!!?! I CANT EVEN...... JUST WHAT????? I wrote this having no idea what I was doing and frisk.... now it was 20k.... 20K.... 20 fricking I still can't

Thank you guys though. For all the reads and votes and comments that are generally funny. It means soooooo much to me so thank you. This kinda feels like a present from Wattpad or something. I don't even know.

But you know thanks for sticking with. I have chapter 8 of the sequel partly written so I'll try to finish it but I can't make any promises for this weekend as I have a party today and will most definitely be tired in the morning. But I'll try get it up soon for you all.

Thanks again guys.

~YLJH AWAY!!!!!!

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