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That never ending battle between fleeing or falling headlong to something unbeknownst, filling you with dread and uncertainty. The thundering footsteps of someone approaching, fast and determined, is echoing throughout the narrow corridor towards the ajar elegant wooden door. The eighteen-year-old girl burst through the door, panting heavily and staring wide-eyed at the man she had known for the past years as someone trustworthy and loyal... not knowing that the same man would want to bring chaos and distraught throughout the kingdom.

"Leo..." she muttered, "...don't do this please. It'll destroy the entire kingdom!" Her voice reaching an octave.

"It will help the kingdom! The fire elves needs a new ruler, someone who will bring the kingdom to greater heights and your father can never do that. I've been working hard for this time to come and I won't let someone like you to ruin this moment." He made an attempt to grab the stone but the fire crept up his arm and he fell on the floor, writhing in pain.

There, in the middle, the fire stone is floating inches above the boulder without a care in the world. The fires surrounding it were dancing mockingly as if tempting her to reach out and touch it, forget how it can consume her dangerously in a second. Leo growled angrily and raised his sword, ready to hit the stone but she was faster and she grabbed it before the sword made contact and what remained are the debris of the destroyed boulder.

"You!" He yelled, glaring daggers at her and the fire stone in her hands hummed with content, her veins buzzing with unfamiliar warmth and something more...power. The stone found its home, its new vessel.

"You wont get away with this, Leo. Even if you are a high ranking official, treason is punishable by death." Her voice firm, "The stone only recognizes a royal blood, you will never be king." She hissed with venom, becoming protective of her new found possession. The stone recognized her purity.

All of a sudden, the rage cleared off the general's face. "Let's see who are they going to believe. Tho loyal general... or the disowned princess?" The expression on his face changed into a look of defeat and sympathy just as the royal guards and the royal family entered the room.

"What is the meaning of this?!" The king roared with fury.

"She took the stone, your highness. I tried to reason with her, but she won't give it back." Leo stated, feigning defeat.

"Liar! You attempted to take it first! I only protected it from you when you destroyed the boulder!" The king glanced at the remains of the boulder briefly before staring at his comrade and right-hand man with uncertainty. "Your highness, he wants to get it first. He was furious when it burned his hand so he decided to destroy it but I got it first. Look at his hand, it was burnt." She tried to explain.

The general's façade shifted momentarily, he forgot about that. "It's the only way, your highness. It's better to destroy it than let her have it and work her evil plans." There was a glint of victory in his eyes. The king trusts him, he's won already.

"Grab her and lock her in the cellars. Treason is punishable by death."

"No! Dad, she's your daughter!" Princess Elisa said in disbelief. Even the queen and the prince was dumbfounded.

"I don't have a traitor of a daughter! Guards!" The sentinels who once stood in shock started to move towards her and surround her.

Hurt coiled around her heart. First was disowning her because she's not like them, and now believing someone over her and signing her own death sentence. Tears started falling from her eyes as she stared at her father with hurt, disbelief and betrayal. The fire stone, sensing her pain, glowed, ready to protect its new home. Fire crawled up her arms and that's when she remembered what was her reason in going inside that room. Bring the stone to safety. She turned her back to them, her mother screamed for her to stop when she realized what she's going to do.

"Earlier, I thought everything Leo ranted about was wrong... but he's right about a few things. The fire elves needs a new ruler and you can never bring the kingdom to greater heights. You are no king," she admitted, looking back at the man she calls her father, "...and never a father."

With that being said she jumped, down the cliff from the balcony of the room overlooking the sea. The fall was rapid, the gravity pulling her down to the endless pitch black water and the stone taking residence in her soul disappeared without a trace, leaving her afraid of what's hidden in the darkness. She was running out of air, the cold penetrating her to the bones as she let go of everything. This time she is ready, she accepted her fate. As she recalled what happened warmth blossomed in her heart. She felt strong.


The Fallen Fire (Royals of the Realm Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now