Chapter 18

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"To love is not to find the right person, but to be the right person to love." - Anonymous

Werewolf Kingdom
Romanov Estate/Castle
The Castle Halls

Fyrrah's POV

The night of the full moon is coming and a night before it Alessio will host a ball for all the wolves. He said this is a common ritual for all wolves, since the power of the moon is stronger during full moons the chances of a wolf finding his mate is higher than the mountains.


I can feel a tinge of jealousy pinching my heart. What if Alessio's mate will come tomorrow night? Who will she be? Will he forget about me once he meets her?

What if I am his mate?

If I really am, he would've told me. He didn't... I am not.

Anyway, the ritual isn't the only thing we are preparing for. King Aer and Alessio formulated a plan when I left the conference room with Artemis. Virgo identified the gamma teaming up with Leo, and the ball is the perfect opportunity to capture him, his Alpha and his Beta.

Alpha Vincent Scott, the alpha of the Nightshade Pack is working with Leo, as to why I assume that he wants Alessio's title. Alessio sent some scouts to spy on the said pack, two more teams to spy on Alpha Luces' pack and the Crescent Pack to know if they're going behind his back too.

The main goal is to capture the three of them, or whoever is with Vincent, whether it is his beta or his gamma. Once secured and imprisoned, we are going to attack his pack. Now I am here in the hall to rub my scent all over the place. Once the gamma caught a whiff of it and followed the trail I will lead him to the dungeons, there will be wolves waiting to corner him and among them is Berlin.

Alessio will take care of the Alpha during the ritual. King Aer, Artemis and Ares will stay in the control room to monitor their movements. Besides, no one should know King Aer is here and the same goes for Artemis.

"C'mon baby, you need to rest. You're still not fully healed." Alessio circled his arms around my waist.

I stayed silent. The plan sounds easy but honestly it's not and I have doubts about it. "What things are involved in the ritual?" I asked after a while.

He stared at me momentarily, trying to see what made me ask this kind of thing. "Nothing much, female wolves dancing and the run mostly."

My ears twitched, "Female wolves dancing?.." I narrowed my eyes at him.

He smirked, "Jealous much?"

I huffed, "What kind of ritual exactly?"

He sighed, "Females will dance altogether in front and the males will try to sniff their mates among them. After that is the Alpha King and the Luna Queen's turn. Since I don't have a queen yet I will do it alone... and unmated females will try to dance with me."

My eyebrows rose up, trying to hide the surfacing possessiveness. "What if you find your mate tomorrow night?"

He pursed his lips and his expression hardened. "That is something I will have to discuss with you when everything's over. As soon as Leo's gone and the Nightshade Pack's in good hands already we'll talk about it, okay? Don't think about it for now." I nodded gently at him as he gave me a soft smile. "Now let's go and sleep. Tomorrow's a busy day."


Samantha Warrens...

My fist clenched seeing her dancing around him, touching him sensually like she owns him. The females have finished dancing, and now it was Alessio's turn... but that woman showed up like she owned the room and started her flirty dance. The only thing that's keeping me at bay is the irate expression on Alessio's face. If not only heaven knows how bad she will go home tonight.

I turned my gaze towards Gamma Finn of the Nightshade. He was sniffing the air, eyes scanning the room like a hawk and once his eyes locked with mine he bared his canines at me.

I feigned a shocked expression, withdrawing from the crowd and to the maze of hallways. I heard his footsteps once he was already out of the crowd, echoing in the chambers. I reached the staircase leading to the dungeons but I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw the unconscious guards lying on the floor.

Dread consumed my system, and my heartbeat accelerated. That smell...


It was too strong, my knees started shaking and my hand shot out to the nearest wall for support. Looking at the silver door of the dungeons, I sighed in relief. They have'nt freed Kalen. He's our only chance in finding the secret base.

A shadow loomed over me and I looked up to see Alpha Vincent smiling wickedly at me. "Fyrrah Vulcan, it's so nice to meet you."

Then it dawned to me that he isn't in the hall. He must've done this. Is he immune to Chameleon? Why is he not affected?

"You're getting rusty, mate. And here I thought you were hard to catch." He shook his head, his mocking smile makes me want to claw his eyes out.

And I did exactly that.

My claws lengthened and I clawed at his face. His screams broke the serene night and Gamma Finn appeared wide-eyed as he stared at the scene in front of him.

"Bitch!" Finn growled, tackling me on the ground. He bit my shoulders and I gritted my teeth to stop the scream from coming out.

I tried rolling on top but he's too heavy so I clawed at his nape before pushing him off of me.

Another pair of hands grabbed my shoulders and threw me to the nearest wall. The breath was knocked out of me from the impact.

Damn, where are the reinforcements when you need one?

Vincent growled lowly at me, gripping my jaws tightly. "Good night." He banged my head forcefully against the wall. My vision blurred and the last thing I saw was his sinister smile, marred by flesh ripped open and blood dripping from his nose and chin.


Oh no! Why did it end up like this??

Honestly, maybe it's because of my dull mood today and a little, no scratch that, so much anger because someone stole one of our puppies when we were not home. ;(

I really miss him, I hope we can get him back tomorrow or as soon as possible. We don't even know who took him.

Anyway, don't forget to vote and comment. :)

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