Chapter 11

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"Never travel faster than your guardian angel can fly." - Mother Teresa

Neutral Grounds
Debbie's Motel

Fyrrah's POV

"Are you sure this is the place?" Alessio asked from behind as we stood in front of an old, worn-out building. The letters were glowing neons and the 'D' and 'O' were missing from the signboard at the top. Despite the haunted-looking appearance, customers keep on coming in and out of the motel.

"This is the place." I emphasized, knowing what lies behind that motel front.

He nodded, clearly unsure whether to trust my train of thoughts or not. "So how are we going to get in?? You know, without attracting too much attention."

I looked around to make sure no one's around hearing range before turning to answer him, "The last time I was able to gain access I was disguised as a stripper."

"You what?!" I quickly clamped my hand over his mouth to prevent him from raising his voice further and attracting unwanted attention. Whoever said that men were closed books was talking bull. This man defied that theory.

"Don't worry, I didn't dance for anyone. My ass and boobs were signed in the contract off-limits."

He glared at me before rubbing his scent all over me again. "Clearly that option is cancelled already. Come, I have a better idea." He placed one arm around my waist before leading me through the throngs of regulars and into the receptionist desk. To what he's planning, I have no idea. I just hope it's really better than the stripper thing.

"Do I have to show a bit of skin, your majesty?" I teased, kissing the skin on his neck.

He groaned, tightening his hold on me. "No need, baby. What you're doing right now is exactly what we need."

When we reached the desk he was already raining tiny kisses on my neck, I tried hard not to show how the intensified tingles brought me pleasure. The woman cleared her throat as she glared at me, "Welcome to Debbie's Motel. What can we do for you, sir? Ma'am?" She asked.

"A room." Alessio answered while nibbling my earlobe. Damn, if we're going to act like a couple looking for a place to do the deed he should've told me earlier.

"For what, sir?" She smiled, actually smiled. Why is everyone so nice around this guy?

Alessio growled, "For me and my wife. We're on our honeymoon." My cheeks flushed red. The corner of his lips lifted when he noticed my reaction.

I tried to act indifferent, "Baby, be nice. She's just asking." I said softly in a scolding manner to which he smiled in return. "Give us a room for two, please."

The receptionist nodded before handing over our keys and room number. "Thank you, enjoy your honeymoon." We thanked her before walking towards the elevator, the idiot beside me seemed happy to act like a lovesick puppy with a little touch of a horny teenager in front of everybody since he kept giving me kisses whenever he wants to.

"Enjoying yourself, huh?" I glared playfully once we're inside our room.

"Oh you have no idea how much." He laughed, "That was easy, you made it sound so hard."

I smirked at him, "We're not inside yet, Mr. Cocky." That busted his joyful mood. "The real entrance is at the basement. There are four elves guarding the door and once we're inside we would be free to do anything on our own then. It's more like an underground brothel and a host club. The only difference is that the girls in here are raped, kidnapped and abused. Sometimes they were being sold to slavery, they don't receive any payment unlike those outside. I managed to help one escape, but barely. You should know that what we are dealing with right now includes viscious criminals and syndicates listed in every king's death list."

"But I still don't agree to the stripper idea if that's what you mean." He crossed his arms defiantly.

"Neither do I, Mister." I rolled my eyes, "We need help."

When he was about to answer the windows opened and three bodies fell on top of one another, groaning from the impact of the fall. When they realized they were being watched they all stood up, like dignified soldiers, all embarrassment forgotten. I raised my eyebrow at that.

"What the fuck are you three doing here??" Alessio asked with a growl.

"Y-You said you need help." Caleb murmured, unsure.

"We're here to help, your highness." Berlin answered.

I smiled when a plan formed in my head, they looked at me with a creeped out expression when they saw my face. "Okay, get ready boys. I have a plan."


"Dammit, Fyrrah. If this plan of yours failed I'm going to lock you in our room for months." Alessio grumbled angrily before bending down a little to kiss me. I saw the three smiled knowingly at us, giving me a thumb's up.

I sat inside the delivery box full of bottled contraceptive pills and boxes of condoms. The three proved to be useful, knocking out two delivery boys. Ares and Berlin wore their uniforms while Alessio and Caleb would wait at the end of the exit tunnel hidden in the forest. Throughout the whole preparation Alessio's tensed, repeating the instuctions over and over again and going over the plan and explaining the alternative way in case of emergency. For the nth time he said and I qoute, "Her safety is your priority. If I see even a tiny scratch or a single strand of hair missing I'm going to cut your balls and feed them to the lions. Understand??" His tone was full of dominance and authority. Though a little spooked, Berlin and Ares nodded eagerly.

Then he turned to me, making me groan. "And you--"

"I know! Don't do anything reckless or stupid!"

He chuckled, "I was actually going to say break a leg, but that would do." He gave me another kiss. "I'll wait for you at the exit tunnel."

He motioned for Caleb to follow him as we prepared ourselves too. We made our way to the basement while Alessio and Caleb used the window.

We were silent the whole way, Berlin was the one pushing the cart I was in while Ares has his own. When we reached the basement the cart stopped and I heard footsteps coming towards us.

"What's inside?" A voice asked.

I heard a box being opened as Ares spoke, "The contraceptives, sir."

"Bring them in." He said, tapping both boxes as the carts passed by him. We were more than a few meters away when we were told to stop.

"Wait!" Another voice yelled. Must be the other guard. Nervousness seeped through my bones, filling me with dread.

"Sir?" Berlin answered confidently.

"Give me one box, we'll need it later." He laughed. Ares must've handed him one because I felt the cart rolling again.

Phew, I thought we were caught.

The Fallen Fire (Royals of the Realm Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now