Chapter 13

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"In anger we should refrain both from speech and action." - Pythagoras

Neutral Grounds
The Underground Base

Fyrrah's POV

"Fyrrah Vulcan," He sneered, ears twitching in anger. His glowing red eyes were solely focused on me and the army of rogue wolves and rebel fire elves behind him positioned in a defensive stance.

"Alessandro Voltaire," I hissed with the same ferocity. I begged Berlin to allow me to interrogate one person, never thought the person I was looking for was looking for me too. "The Sexist Pig." I grinned mockingly.

His face reddened in anger, "It was you! You freed her!"

"Yes, it was me. One day your crimes will be known to the whole realm, Alessandro. And I know someone who can give you just the perfect punishment."

The black aura they were emitting surrounded the hallway, almost suffocating me. Without further ado he charged with a fierce battlecry, sword in one hand and a fireball on the other. Knowing that they have the upperhand we evaded his fireballs and retreated to where we came from. His small army followed hot on our tail.

"I'm going to kill you, Fyrrah. The honor of your death would be mine." He taunted.

"You're talking about honor? That's bullshit! We both know how low you are." I countered.
The wolves growled at my insult, "Oh! You all think you're honorable!" I said in exaggeration.

As we rounded the corner the three of us stopped dead on our tracks. Dead end.

"What? Your plans backfired?" One of the wolves chuckled darkly.

Ares gulped a little. "Fyrrah?"

"I'll provide distraction, both of you, take care of the wall." I ordered quietly.

Berlin nodded, though hesitant. I turned to face the smug faces of our pursuers. Distraction, 5 minutes... I think that's enough.

I bend over, dragon-like wings sprouting on my back. My cries drowned out the loud banging of Berlin and Ares' partial shift form against the metal barrier. Claws lengthened and limbs extended to form weapons on my forearms.

Due to shock and fear they began throwing fireballs in frenzy. My wings prevented the fireballs from reaching Ares and Berlin. The wolves attacking met my claws, digging deep into their bones. Some fireballs bounced back to those who fired them. All in all it was a total chaos.

One wolf managed to bite my side, tearing the flesh and that made me scream. Alessandro took that as an opportunity to get closer, swinging his sword and aiming for my neck. I managed to fly back before he could decapitate me but he still managed to reach my stomach. I hissed in pain doubling over before I was pulled towards the now destroyed metal wall. I flapped my wings twice, sending those who remained standing to get thrown a few meters away so we could have a headstart.

I was ridding Berlin's wolf, while Ares was following closely behind. We were already out of the building and into the heart of the forest. I recognized it as the way to the Immortal River. The blood pouring out of my side and stomach stained Berlin's soft brown fur. I'm loosing too much blood and since Alessio and I both drank the potion before we left the cave our healing abilities were practically unavailable right now. Unless the stone can provide help like how I managed to phase into a partial dragon. That consumed a lot of energy from it, so like my healing ability it's of no use right now.

Once he was sure none of them was on our trail, Berlin gently laid me down on the forest ground. Ares quickly went to my side, inspecting the flesh that was ripped open. He carefully touched the skin around it, applying little pressure. When he got no reaction from me he swore under his breath.

"Fyrrah, how much pain do you feel right now?" He asked.

I shook my head slowly, dark spots dancing in my vision. I can't feel anything. I can't even move my fingers. My throat felt dry and my chest was heaving due to my heavy breathing.

He hurriedly but gently tried his best to stop the bleeding. I didn't know what happened then 'cause the darkness slowly enveloped me.


Alessio's POV

"Each group will block the entrances and we'll start closing in starting from our location to the center. Kill on sight. That means all rogues and fire elves should be dead at the end of the operation. If ever anyone of you managed to locate your Luna and the two wolves with her, protect them. Understand?"

All my wolves nodded at my order. Those who were on the other entrances were listening through our pack link. Before the mission started I had a bad feeling that this won't end well so I hurriedly called Tristan for reinforcements. They arrived just after all the girls were pulled out of the tunnel. Caleb led them to the truck waiting at the edge of the forest. They will be brought to the Moonlight pack. They will stay there temporarily until they were all ready to go home.

"Alpha, we're ready." Tristan replied through the link. I growled a 'go' signal through the link and we all rushed inside the basement entrances, turns out that there were more than one exit tunnels. Some of the rogues fought but most ran in different directions. Hoping to find an exit. Soon everyone was engaged in the bloody battle. Fireballs flying in different directions, wolves barreling onto each other and cries of pain from those who were being killed filled my senses.

Once there weren't anymore survivors from the opposing team all our men gathered around me.

'No Fyrrah... No sign of our mate.' My wolf howled in pain. I ignored his cries but not what he said.

"Where's your Luna?!" I growled.

"She's not here, Alpha. But we found dead bodies in the tunnel 3. I'm guessing they've been there." One wolf answered politely.

"Show me the way." I ordered. He quickly ran towards the maze of hallways leading to the exit tunnel the girls used to escape. But before reaching it there were corpses littering the ground. A sign that there was a fight just a few minutes ago, maybe an hour.

However, the metal wall on the side was destroyed. I'm guessing some of them escaped using that, maybe even Fyrrah and the wolves with her.

I walked closer to inspect but when the cold night breeze coming from the outside through the hole met my senses a furious growl escaped my lips, canines retracting.

Blood. So much blood.

I looked to where the smell was coming from and my heart constricted.

Blood. Fyrrah's blood.

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