Chapter 14

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"Death and love are the two wings that bear the good man to heaven." - Michelangelo

Neutral Grounds
Immortal Lake

Alessio's POV

'Run. Hunt. Kill.' My wolf growled repeatedly. He had gone ballistic the very moment the scent of Fyrrah's blood filled our senses. He took over, confining me within the deepest recess of my sanity and powerless to do anything as he destroyed everything on his path. He mauled the fire elves and rogue wolves he found having Fyrrah's blood on them and their swords. Their screams of agony and pleas were ignored, no mercy.

The potion did nothing to stop him from taking over, the strength my wolf possessed was unknown even to myself. He was more savage... more beastly.

The rest knows not to intervene, just following closely behind as I wreaked havoc along the way.

'Run. Hunt. Kill.' He repeated, making me growl in irritation.

'Find our mate first!' I demanded. He seemed to snap out of his hunting mode, sniffing the air for any sign of her. Once he did, he growled lowly and started his way towards the direction. Two more familiar scents engulped my sense of smell and my wolf's speed increased, knowing our mate's near.

But we didn't expect the kind of situation they were in when we found them...

A furious growl escaped my lips which was followed by my wolf. Berlin who was on guard stepped aside. His brown fur stained with scarlet red. Ares was applying pressure on the laceration and cut on my mate's stomach. Once finished he too, moved out of the way as I approached, sniffing her hair, neck and wounds.

Her face was very pale, making me whimper when she didn't open her eyes. One wolf moved closer but my angry snarl stopped him on his tracks.

'Mine. Mate. Protect.'

"My king, we need to check her vitals-"

"She's fuckin' alive!" I growled.

"But she won't be if you'll let your wolf cloud your judgement." Berlin said as he changed back into his human form.

My wolf growled at that.

"You are not thinking clearly right now, my king. She's loosing too much blood. We all want what's best for our queen, we don't want to loose her too." Tristan came to stand in front of them. "Choose, Alessio. Be a fuckin' caveman and let her die or move her now and save her life."

I stilled before lifting her up and running back to where we came from. Her heart's still beating, making me sigh in relief. I laid her down carefully in the backseat of the white van before starting to drive once Tristan, Berlin, and Ares were inside too. The ride back to my estate took longer than I thought. We reached the castle at dawn and Anthony was there already and led us to the infirmary where all that is needed was arranged and the doctor was waiting patiently. He had gone as white as paper when he saw the condition my mate's in and ordered everyone of us out while he instructed his nurses what to do.

"Don't worry, Alessio. I can feel it in my veins that she'll live and give you more headaches." Anthony consoled me.

I just nodded at him, not saying anything nor laughing at his lame joke.

"What happened when you were still inside the base?" Tristan assessed the two wolves standing not far from where I was sitting.

Ares shook his head lightly before pushing Berlin lightly towards Tristan, making him growl in annoyance and smack his head.

"Ass." Ares muttered.

Berlin gave him a glare before turning to face us three, "Before we reached the exit tunnel after the girls a small group led by Alessandro Voltaire blocked our path. We have no choice but to retreat, but our plan backfired. One of the walls we activated was blocking one of the escape route, so we got cornered."

"You fought them..." Anthony butted in. Berlin shook his head 'no'.

"Fyrrah did."

Those two words made my blood boil. "And why is that?" I growled lowly.

"She ordered us to destroy the wall and then she turned into a dragon! A freakin' dragon!" Ares suddenly butted in in excitement.

Tristan smiled in amusement, "And?"

"That old man blames her of something, I don't know who but Fyrrah released one of his captives before." His shoulders sagged, "I'm sorry, your highness. We failed you... We failed her."

I pursed my lips, atleast they managed to escape in time and bring her to a safe place. I was about to say something when the door to where Fyrrah was currently in opened and the doctor came out holding a clipboard. We all rushed to stand in front of him, and I bet that scared the shit out of him since his face paled. I have to admit that even the three wolves Fyrrah had recruited emits their own kind of dominance and two of them were here with us.

"My king," He cleared his throat, "I must say that the first aid you have given to stop her from losing too much blood worked and you made it in time. We found traces of some human chemicals that prevents her from healing so we siphoned it and it's positive she'll recover. As to how long, we do not know. About the blood loss, we took care of it already and the nurse would put a new bag later."

Almost all of us sighed in relief, "When will she wake up?" Berlin asked.

"I'm afraid she might wake up after three to five days. Her body forced itself to shut down to speed up the healing process. I'll come back every morning to check up on her and if there's something wrong or if you need something just call me. I'll be here as soon as possible."

I thanked him before dismissing him. We all entered the room quietly. The rest stayed close to the doorway, hesitant to move closer. I sat beside her on the bed, wrapping my arms around her sleeping figure. Her fiery red hair was now a dull crimson, and her face as white as paper.

"My beautiful little elf..." I whispered, kissing her forehead.

I bit my lip to stop myself from crying, seeing her like this made my wolf whimper in pain. A few pained howls echoed throughout the kingdom, no doubt reaching out to my wolf. They must've felt my agony through our link and Fyrrah's state has an effect on our wolves too. They can feel it through the bond they have with their queen.

Queen. She would be a great queen someday.

"Ares," I called out. He snapped his eyes on mine and I gave him a grateful smile, "Thank you."

He nodded, teary-eyed before running out of the room.

The once silently observing Berlin chuckled, "He gets emotional around hospitals."

That's fine because I think he would be a great pack doctor in the future.

The Fallen Fire (Royals of the Realm Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now