Chapter 20

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"Even the strongest King needed the protection and constant companion given by his powerful Queen." - Anonymous

Werewolf Kingdom
Nightshade Pack
The Packhouse

Alessio's POV

I am known as the cold-hearted king. I am feared by many. The wolves knew I am powerful, enough to give them and their families protection and rule the great Werewolf Kingdom. Royalty runs in my blood, and my blood was made to rule.

What they didn't know is that the power I possess is much more deeper than they could imagine. My powers stretched for miles, beats the mountains in height.

And what they didn't know will kill them.

The traitors wanted to bring me down, wanted to take the kingdom away from me... and take my queen away from me.

The moment I learned she was taken, was the same moment all my control left me. My wolf took over constantly, and I let him. I don't care how many rogues or fire elves we kill, as long as I can have her back. I will bathe in their bloods, feast in their flesh and rip their hearts out.

Fyrrah is mine. Mine.

My wolf growled in approval, pacing back and forth in the confines of my mind. He was already prepared the moment I proclaimed the attack.

Virgo shifted lightly, facing my direction. "I'll find their dungeon once the path is cleared for me."

I nodded at him, glancing at my men behind him who volunteered to join his task. "King Aer, are you ready?" My question seemed to trigger something in him. His hold on Artemis' hand tightened.

"As ready as you are." The corner of his lips lifted a bit, but his eyes remained emotionless.

"Artemis.." I looked at her, nodding.

She closed her eyes, concentrating on the auras she can detect. "The ranked wolves are there, but Fyrrah isn't. Five hundred meters away going south of the packhouse I can sense a high ranked wolf and a royal fire elf." She informed, eyes opening to look at Virgo. "There is a chance that the fire elf is Elisa."

Victor growled lowly, adjusting his sword. "I am ready."

I wandered my eyes to the determined faces of my men, eyes deadly and swimming with cold granite.

It's time. My wolf howled, surging forward as Artemis lifted the veil. The moment our synchronized thumping of paws echoed in the clearing the first fireball was thrown from the enemies. Soon, it was already raining fireballs and we tried our best to duck and avoid being hit and burn to death while ripping their heads at the same time. Fire elves were in front, but we immediately got passed them and through the pack wolves. My wolf growled, dominance and power leaking out of him. Those who knew me ran to save their lives, whimpering at my appearance. Those who were acting tough remained in front, blocking my way to the packhouse.

"Traitors." I hissed, taking a step forward. "From now on you are all anathema. And by taking away my queen from me you will all suffer the consequences. Nightshade pack is no longer existing."

The single thread tying them all to me through their alpha snapped, and they moaned in pain as they fell on their knees. My wolf took that as an opportunity and attacked with a renewed fierceness. They are no longer battling with their own people, with their own kind.

I looked up when a roar so furious came from the front doors of the packhouse. Alpha Vincent emerged, looking crazed and deadly, claws out with his canines bared at me. I closed my eyes, sniffing the air as he got closer. Fyrrah's scent remained on him, her own blood mixing with the smell of his blood.

"Lycan," He growled with distaste, but somewhere in his eyes I can see fear hidden behind his hostility towards me.

The breeze sent another wave of his scent towards me and I stilled, recognizing it.

The fucking traitor.

It makes sense, the traitor knew Fyrrah was under my protection. Knew her enough to inform the Nightshade Pack immediately and plan how to capture her. The traitor has been in my castle even before Fyrrah arrived, enough time to know the passages and hack the systems I installed in the control room. The traitor helped them capture Fyrrah, and with that little distraction I lost my Fyrrah.

"Tristan," I called through the link, reaching his mind immediately.

He was quick to reply, "Yes, Alpha?"

I flashed a menacing grin towards Vincent as I answered back, "I want you to find Samantha Warrens and lock her in the dungeons. Separate her from Kalen Davis. Do. Not. Let. Her. Get. Away."

He replied with a quick 'copy' and closed the link immediately. This time my full attention was on Vincent. Seeing him made my wolf shake in fury, muscles tensed and clenching. I must've looked so deadly right now because he took a small step back. Too small to be even noticed by any normal wolf's sight, but not mine. In my peripheral vision I can see Anthony already engaged in battle against Finn, and so far he is winning.

Vincent charged while I was distracted, shifting on his wolf form halfway in the air and sending me flying through the trees. I hit one, and broke from the impact. He charged again, hoping to get me unprepared but unfortunately for him my wolf was waiting with open jaws and bit the juncture of his neck and shoulder. I shook my head furiously while still biting him, making him look like a rag doll and tossed him away forcefully. I jumped on all fours just above him, biting his arm forcefully and pulling it apart harshly. He screamed, thrashed underneath me and howled in pain. I continued doing that, tearing him from limb to limb while making sure he is alive, being able to feel the pain. As he looked at me with fearful and pained eyes I drove my right hand through his chest, finding the beating organ and pulled it out. His mouth was open in shock, eyes open in terror as he took his last breath. The last thing he saw was his heart being crushed by my clawed hands.

No more Nightshade Pack. No more Alpha Vincent.

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