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"No man ever achieved worthwhile success who did not, at one time or other, find himself with at least one foot hanging well over the brink of failure." - Napoleon Hill

Werewolf Kingdom
Romanov Estate/Castle
The King's Chamber

Fyrrah's POV

I've been through bad situations, worst even - but nothing beats this pregnancy mood swings and cravings. When things don't go the way I want to, I just find myself sulking in the corner like a retarded baby dragon. Before, I would turn tables just to have my way. When I wan't to eat something but too tired to move I would nag Alessio to death in the middle of a conference or meeting because I want him to personally get my food. Before, I always raid the fridge, even wounded and bruised. It started after our wedding a week following the post full moon ball. I have no idea I'm pregnant.

Sometimes I thought Alessio would explode and shout at me for being a demanding and dramatic bitchy elf; hiding foods under the bed so I won't go down in the middle of the night to eat, blowing flames in the furnace as my newfound hobby every night, feeding off fishes in dragon form at the man-made waterfall in the backyard, and most especially scaring off poor girls trying to get close to him. There was no warning, just me hot in their tails in a nanosecond.

I haven't told him anything about it, though. Yet.

I looked down at my baby bump, it's still unnoticeable but I know I'm starting to look fat. I then turned my attention to Alessio writing down notes and signing proposals in his desk.

Suddenly, I'm being horny.

I mentally face palmed but I have a feeling this nagging thought won't stop anytime soon. I made my way towards him slowly, before jumping right in his lap. I think I just purred. Do dragons purr? Whatever.

He chuckled before kissing my mark making me shiver, "What does my baby want now? Hm?" I love this man. He's always nice to me.

"Love me," I pleaded with beautiful eyes making him laugh. My dragon got irritated, pushing me to do something. No need.

Alessio trailed kisses down my neck before nipping at my mark, I growled in approval and he chuckled. "Does my little elf have something to tell me though?" His voice turned serious making me freeze. Uh-oh. Something tells me he knows. Damn, who wouldn't? I was too obvious.

I wasn't used seeing his serious face and trying to scold me these past few weeks so I wasn't surprised when my eyes watered and my dragon whimpered. His eyes widened in panic making me laugh while crying. I definitely look insane. He shook his head in defeat before adjusting me in his lap, my legs on either side of him as I face him.

"I know you know what I mean. Why didn't you tell me, baby?" He asked softly, wiping my tears with his thumb.

"I-I just found out yesterday when I visited Artemis. She was actually the one who told me I'm pregnant when I asked for her help!" I reasoned out.

"Help?" His brows met, "What help? Were you trying to lose our baby??" His face paled making me shake my head in horror.

"NO!" I exclaimed, "I thought I was going crazy having these mood swings and all; eating disorder, agressive behavior, and attention seeking. I didn't know what to do so I went to her for some meds or spells or potion that could help. Then she told me I'm more or less three weeks pregnant so I was actually 'normal'. I'm sorry, Alessio. It's not that I didn't want to tell you."

He sighed in relief before embracing me tight, "It's fine, little elf. I'm not angry. But I want you to be careful always, you carry our baby now and I want both of you to be safe." I nodded smiling and he smiled brightly in return. His hands found my baby bump, caressing it softly. I can feel his wolf reaching out and yelping happily. He looked mesmerized as he did that, "Damn, I love you so much. And our baby too."

"I love you more..." I replied and sealed it with a kiss. The kiss became urgent, his hands started roaming my body and the atmosphere turned hotter every second. His eyes became hooded with desire, happiness and love as he stared down at me when he pulled away. "Love me?" I asked, seductively this time. His eyes turned gold, and growls of approval were heard from him. When he bent down to claim my lips once more an urgent knock on the door interrupted him. The growl he let out was purely pissed off. I chuckled inwardly.

"WHAT?!" He growled out. Frustration was clear in his tone.

"My king," the warrior opened the door right away looking alarmed. I stood tensed beside Alessio immediately as he started reporting, "Lady Artemis went to Old Wilderness Forest this afternoon to gather herbs as what she always do during second days of the week. She mentioned she found some useful in that area. One wolf accompanied her but none of them returned after three hours so we decided to follow their trail. Steven, the w-wolf... He was already dead when we arrived. His appearance aged rapidly, his eyes were hollow too." I can see from his expression that what he saw deeply frightened him.

"Artemis, where is she??" I asked nervously.

"Her scent headed towards the outskirts of the eastern border of the Air Kingdom. We saw her being chased by the necromancers. We fought to allow her to escape and I lost two of my men, I managed to escape and came back to inform you what happened."

Alessio growled lowly in anger. He once told me that Artemis' safety is his responsibility. I know he feels like he failed her. The loss of his men hurt him too. "Did she have a headstart?" I asked again.

The man nodded. She had a headstart and was running straight to the east border of King Aer's land. Shit. King Aer is not very fond of visitors.

I have a feeling he'll be happy this time.

It's someone's turn to be a hero.

I dialed his office telephone number and it rang once before I heard his cold voice. Alessio was confused while staring at me but I just nodded for him to trust me. "Aer speaking."

"It's me, Fyrrah Romanov." I saw Alessio smirking when he heard me use my new surname. "Artemis needs your help. The necromancers found her and she's heading straight to your land unknowingly. She's on the eastern border."

There was no pause, his response was sure and exact. "She'll be safe. I'll make sure of it."

The line went dead.

Alessio raised an eyebrow at me when I turned to look at him. I thanked the warrior before telling him King Aer will help Artemis and dismissing him. When he's gone Alessio caressed my baby bump once again as he held me close. "I have a feeling you're planning something big, baby." He grinned slyly.

"Yes, and I need your help."

He gave me a soft kiss, "Count me in."

The first time Heaven Aer laid his eyes on Artemis, I saw something warm in his eyes. I was used to seeing him cold and tight, but that moment I saw Alessio in him as he looked at her. If Artemis can make such tiny spark of life appear in his eyes then she's best for him. I can also see that he's going to cherish her, treat her like the queen she is.

Heaven Aer, take care of our Wiccan girl.

The End


The Fallen Fire is now finished, but the story doesn't end here.

The Lethal Air (Royals of the Realm Series #2) is now published. Heaven Aer and Artemis Wiccan are the main characters of the next book, continuing the rebellion happening in the Immortal Realm.

I am hoping all of you will still be with me as the series continues. Thank you for your support and love for Fyrrah and Alessio. Silent readers I appreciate you all for taking time to read this. It's now time to say goodbye in this part. :)

Love you all, pixies!

This is J. M. Santiago


Royals of the Realm Series [English]
•The Fallen Fire (Completed)
•The Lethal Air (Completed)
•The Tainted Earth (Completed)
•The Tidal Waters (Draft)
•The Avenging Spirit (Draft)

The Fallen Fire (Royals of the Realm Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now