Chapter 23

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"Energy may be likened to the bending of a crossbow; decision,to the releasing of a trigger." - Sun Tzu

Neutral Grounds
Old Wilderness Forest
The Secret Base

Alessio's POV

I can no longer restrain my wolf. He clawed his way out, and bathed in blood just like what I promised him. The bond Fyrrah created between me and her made my wolf needy; he wants her beside us, he wants to protect her. Me too. The fact that Fyrrah's in danger made him a killing machine worse than I've seen him before. My gamma was shocked too, but he kept fighting anyway.

We were already on our way to the third and last magical barrier when the rogue and rebel fire elves sensed our presence. Kalen helped us pass the first and second barrier without being detected. When we met the adversary army headlong I felt something powerful embracing my being, like a thread connecting me to someone. The moment my wolf howled in joy I immediately understood that was Fyrrah. That moment my wolf took over and I let him. We were already close, enemies rushed out of the building in frenzy to fight and defend the secret base. Too late, idiots. The element of surprise worked in our favor.

Fyrrah sent a wave of calmness to ensure my wolf she's fine. My wolf purred and calmly swiped the enemies like rags littering his path. He broke down the entrance and was met with a smoke bomb.

A chameleon smoke bomb.

Good thing I went here first. I growled at my men through the link, "Away from the entrances! They're filled with chameleons."

The wolves nodded and fought behind, keeping the enemies occupied as my lycan wolf entered the place, his frame barely fitted the hallway as he followed our mate's presence in a trance. Atlast we reached a glass room burning inside. The necromancers in black hooded capes were chanting every spell they know to stop the fires but to no avail.

'I got this, Alessio. Ensure the safety of our wolves. I'll be with you before you know it.' Sometimes, my mate can be that stubborn. I just rolled my eyes and was about to enter the room when I saw someone trying to get away. His armor glinting from afar.

Leonardo Calisto.

My wolf immediately ran after him as I landed in front him with a snarl.

"If it isn't the Lycan King. Once everybody learned you are a bloodthirsty lycan they'll rise against you." He withdrew his sword, pointing it at me.

"Once everybody learned you are a power-hungry general they'll hang you." I answered growling, sending powerful waves of dominance and he stepped back a little.

He threw a fireball at me and I ducked, he used that to run away, I clawed at him nearly missing but my nails caught his armor and I lifted him up.

"You're too small to be eaten." I grumbled.

He stabbed his sword in my hands and I growled in pain, letting him go. So this is how he wanted to play. I snarled as I chased him with vengeance while dodging fireballs thrown at me. He led me out of the base and straight into the battle. When his men saw him, they immediately gave him cover to let him escape but one powerful growl from me sent them running away like cowards. With one final leap I caught him and squeezed him harder using my enclosed fist. I was about to break his neck when a loud explosion destroyed the building, sending debris all over the place and fire erupted from inside.

"Alpha! The Luna's still inside!" Berlin ran towards me panting. I was unable to speak at first, my mind can't register that my mate's inside that burning building.

Mate's alive! My wolf snarled inside my mind as I pushed him back temporarily. He showed me the bond and it's still glowing bright, untouched. She's alive.

My thoughts were cut short when Leo's laughter broke the silence. "She's dead! Who would have thought this is the place where that bitch will die?!" I tightened my grip at him but that didn't stop him. Bastard.

Virgo suddenly shot an arrow at Leo's shoulder which made him scream, "Curse you, Leo. My sister paid the price of your greed! And you still have the guts to kidnap Elisa after framing Fyrrah!" He was angry, damn angry. I am too, but his feelings and mine are different. He must be experiencing much worse.

It was Leo's turn to be angry, "I would've been king! I would've been king twenty years ago if your nosy sister didn't try to save the firestone and the kingdom! It was her fault!"

"My father trusted you, Leo. He even chose you over his own daughter. You're so vile, conspiring with every enemies of each kingdom against the person who gave you so much more than you deserve. Now everyone will know how corrupt you are." Virgo gritted his teeth in anger before turning his back to leave.

Leo chuckled, "You said it yourself. He believed me over Fyrrah, I know he'll believe me over you."

Anthony grinned, "Nah uh. We're live in every kingdom. Everyone's watching you admitting your plans... Um, the plans you've failed." He pointed at the mini satellite floating above and Leo's face paled. Disbelief was evident in his face as he stared at us in shock.

"About the fire king believing you, we don't need that. He's been dethroned twenty years ago. Fyrrah claimed what's rightfully hers from the start. She's the Queen of the Fire Kingdom, not Victor Vulcan. The firestone can only be touched and used by the heir or heiress to the throne." Artemis appeared beside Heaven with her arms crossed.

"Fyrrah's dead!" He shouted in rage.

I growled lowly, squeezing him lightly. "That's Queen Fyrrah to you," and I faced him towards the burning building, "And she's not dead, see for yourself."

As we all stared at the fires, an ear piercing scream broke the silent atmosphere. The fires formed wings and they flapped two times before the head of a dragon rose from the flames. She screamed again and blew flames upward. The dragon was huge, and the remains of the burning building crumbled as she flew above, circling the night sky and hovering over us. She burned the fleeing rogues and fire elves before landing in front of us, exhaling smoke as she huffed.

'My beautiful little elf,' I purred as I nuzzled my snout in her neck.

'I'm not little right now. I'm a big big dragon, baby.'

'You'll always be my little elf.'

She just winked before taking Leo from my grip with her two front legs and standing on two hinds then she roared, her dominance made us all bow down in respect as she flew high above.

"She's heading to the Fire Castle. Hold hands with each other and I'll teleport us there." Artemis instructed and we all did. In just a second we were in front of the Fire Kingdom's castle. King Victor and Queen Elena rushed out of the castle and all of the people too, most of them shocked and curious. They started talking but Fyrrah landed with a roar above the castle tower, making them all hush in silence. She crept down the roof and threw Leo down the water fountain. She blew flames and it dried. I returned to my human form as I watched with amusement. All of the people were nervous as to what will happen. Without further ado she burned him.

She burned Leo down to ashes.

His screams echoed as he thrashed and soon his sounds of agony faded. Fyrrah turned to her father while Virgo led their mother towards us, to safety. Fyrrah returned to partial shift form, human but with wings, tail, ridges, scales and claws.

"You knew all along I was next in line yet you chose some bastard over your own daughter. You are not fit to be king. Here, in front of all the people you've fooled for so many years I declare you and all those who conspired with Leonardo Calisto anathema." Dominance poured out of my mate making me proud. The former king knelt down in fear as guards took him away to the dungeons.

Virgo stood beside her, "Fire Kingdom, I present you your true queen... Queen Fyrrah Vulcan!"

Applause were heard as all of my wolves howled in victory. Finally, the war she's been fighting was worth it in the end. Her gaze met mine and she winked, landing in front of me and before I know it her lips captured mine. Sweet and passionate. My mate kissed me with love and happiness.

The Fallen Fire (Royals of the Realm Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now