Chapter 7

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"There are things known and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors of perception." - Aldous Huxley

Werewolf Kingdom
Blood Moon Forest
The Wiccan's Cottage

Fyrrah's POV

"Will it take you days to find out why?" I finally asked, breaking the silence Alessio left us with. It took me almost three hours to convince Alessio that I stay with Artemis for a while. He rejected the idea at first, thinking I was planning to escape. The events a few days ago was, of course, brought up again. The man was so scared of letting me out of his sight. He finally agreed in the end, though reluctant. He went back to the castle to do whatever work alpha kings do but not without a blatant reminder that he will chain me in 'our' bed once he caught me running away and ordering Artemis to build a protection ward for my safety, which is also one of the reasons why he was hesitant to leave.

Artemis looked up at me, removing her gaze from the book she was so engrossed in reading. "Two or three, most likely. But if you're lucky I can find out why today."

I grinned, "Well, can you make a lucky charm for me?"

"Buy luck somewhere else." She rolled her silvery white irises at me before resuming reading the book.

I chuckled, relaxing myself on the sofa. I can't help but feel grateful that I am away from too many growling werewolves in the castle. Don't get me wrong, I'm not used to crowded places but I love Alessio's castle. Afterall, that's where I live now and I'm not going to complain anything about it. It just felt so good to meet new faces and enjoy a familiar peaceful silence in the middle of the woods.

"How did you know I'm a Draconia?" I suddenly remembered her first word earlier.

"You siphoned every traces of power and magic in the air when you entered the room, plus your aura is glowing red and gold. I saw the firestone in the middle of the gold, my grandma once told me that royals contain gold in their auras but since you have the stone I guessed that you are a draconia." She answered without looking at me.

I nodded in understanding, wondering if Leo knew it all along since a few of his witches met me years back then-or maybe not 'cause not one of his men escaped my wrath and lived to report back...yet. "Do you need any help?" I guess I could make myself useful while waiting.

She closed the book and set it on the coffee table separating the both of us, "I could use some. Why don't you start by sharing some information about yourself? Not the personal ones, except if you wanted to." She urged, handing me a cup of tea.

I took a sip and relaxed further into the couch, "In the elven kingdoms, you'll be able to control your element once you turned sixteen, when I didn't my father disowned me. Two years later I acquired the stone, since then I was...stronger."

She looked at me attentively, "Stronger?"

"I was faster than before, temperament, immune to fire..." Then I showed her my skin, which was starting to change. Scales covered my arm and my claws lengthened. Ridges erupted on the outer side of my forearm forming a dangerous weapon. "And I can turn into a dragon." Her gasp was all I need to know she believed me and I phased back into my normal appearance.

She stared at me with awe for a few minutes before her eyes widened. I heard her mutter a 'shit' before she started rummaging through her piles of books and ancient scrolls.

I was confused for a moment, "Umm...what are you doing?"

She ignored me and continued searching in the boxes when she found none in the piles. "It's here... I know I placed it somewhe--FOUND IT!" She squealed inspecting the newfound item.

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